METU NCC students succeed in Earthquake Resistant Building Design competition!
The Earthquake Resistant Building Design competition, organized each year by DASK (Turkey's National Disasters Insurance Organization), was held on 7-9 May 2017 in İstanbul. METU Northern Cyprus Campus was represented by Taha Semih Turan, Ağa Özgür Şahin, Ali Cem Yağar, and Azym Nurgeldiyev in this year's competition. The team, who was prepared for the competition under the supervision of Professor Polat Gülkan, a faculty member of METU Northern Cyprus Campus, has performed well in the competition, winning the first, third and fourth places in the categories of earthquake magnitude prediction, architectural design and poster design, respectively.
We congratulate our students and their academic advisor on this achievement. We would like to thank Esra Fügen Paşaoğulları, Abdullah Önal, Kaya Yorulmaz, Hamza Çoban, Özgür Irgav, Salih Özdemir, and Mert Cem Atak, whose contribution to the success of our students is invaluable.