Our Mission and Vision
METU NCC Modern Languages Program (MLP) offers undergraduate students must and elective English courses, and elective language courses (German, French, Spanish, and Chinese) along with must and elective Turkish courses.
Adopting the mission and vision of the Department of Modern Languages of ODTU Ankara Campus, the mission of the Modern Languages Program is:
- to build up on the work of the English Preparatory Program and improve the student's reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills to enable them to follow their classes in our English medium university;
- to ensure that the students are able to actively use these skills in their post-graduate endeavors and in international contexts;
- to provide the students with the opportunities to learn and use different languages through elective language courses;
- to raise ethical, innovative, inquisitive, communicative, and creative individuals who can solve problems with an objective, constructive and critical outlook.
The vision of the Modern Languages Program is to become a student-centered language unit that
contributes to the academic, social, and individual development of the students.