What type of support is available?
Letter of Academic Accommodation:
The Letter of Academic Accommodation, which is prepared by the Disability Support Unit, is a notification to faculty members about the accommodations (related to courses, examinations and assignments) the student has been approved to receive in consideration of his/her individual characteristics and the access barriers s/he experiences in the educational environment.
Any student who is officially identified as having a disability can apply to the METU NCC Disability Support Unit to receive a Letter of Academic Accommodation in the first two weeks of each semester.
The student's documentation of his/her disability will be reviewed by the METU NCC DSU staff. If it is determined that the student is eligible for accommodations or auxiliary aids mentioned, an academic interview will be scheduled with the student. During the interview, the following questions will be addressed:
- For which academic requirements are reasonable accommodations needed?
- What kind of reasonable accommodations will be provided?
- Why should those reasonable accommodations be provided?
- When will the reasonable accommodations be provided?
- How will the accommodations be implemented?
- Who will be in charge of providing the accommodations?
Based on the interview conducted with the student, METU NCC Disability Support Unit prepares a letter confirming the reasonable accommodations that have been approved.
Note taking Support:
Any student who is registered with the Unit as a student with a specific disability (e.g. visual impairment, mobility difficulty, learning disability) that hinders his/her ability to take notes in class and thus creates gaps in his/her learning experience is eligible for note taking support. Being a note-taker means keeping accurate and clear notes that the note-taker shares with the student receiving the service or with the Unit.
Students can identify their own note-takers (e.g. a friend who is currently registered in the same class or someone who has already taken that course) or request assistance from the METU NCC Disability Support Unit.
Note-Taker Responsibilities:
- Attends class on a regular basis and takes comprehensive, legible notes.
- Makes copies of the notes in the agreed format (handwritten, printed or electronic).
- Provides a copy of the class notes to the student receiving note taking support on the agreed date, at the agreed time and place, and in the agreed format.
- Respects the privacy of the student receiving note taking support by keeping his/her personal information and disability confidential.
- Informs the student and the Unit urgently of any classes s/he will not be able to attend due to a disruption or health reason.
- Notifies the Unit and the student receiving the accommodation urgently if his/her contact information changes.
Course Partnership:
Any student who is registered with the Unit as a student with a specific disability (e.g. visual impairment, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), specific learning disorder, chronic illness, etc.) that hinders his/her educational performance and thus creates gaps in his/her learning experience is eligible for course partnership support. While receiving this support, the student meets a student assistant on agreed times and days to study together, for a maximum of 15 hours per week, by the end of semester or an agreed date.
Students can identify their own course partners or request assistance from the METU NCC Disability Support Unit to find a student assistant who meets the criteria. It is possible to work with more than one course partner in a semester. Students make the decision on the meeting time, place and intensity of the study jointly with their course partners.
Course Partner Responsibilities:
- Meets the relevant student to study together on an agreed schedule.
- Makes preparations for the session and provides the student with up-to-date and accurate information on the topic.
- Sticks to the agreed period of study and meeting days at all times.
- Respects the privacy of the student receiving course partnership support by keeping his/her personal information and disability confidential.
- Informs the student and the Unit urgently of any classes that will not be held due to a disruption or health reason.
- Informs the Unit on a regular basis about the meeting time and days.
- Notifies the Unit and the student receiving the accommodation urgently if his/her contact information changes.
Support in Accessing Materials and Resources:
The Unit helps students to contact the METU Ankara Disability Support Office, which can provide them with access to course materials adapted for learners with visual impairments.
Counseling Support to Programs with Disabled Students:
The METU NCC Disability Support Unit provides counseling services to the academic programs that have students with disabilities when needed; informs instructors of the course-related and exam-related accommodations that those students need and disclose the reasons for accommodations to instructors. A guidebook for teaching staff, focusing on this issue is available.