In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 35/2008, OHS practices are carried out at METU Northern Cyprus Campus (METU NCC). Within the scope of the Act, the METU NCC Occupational Health and Safety Council (OHSC) regulates the rules to be followed to promote a safe and healthy workplace for METU NCC students, staff and visitors. Among the primary functions of the Council are monitoring the design, development, spread and implementation of protective and preventive activities to maintain OHS and workplace safety, resolving problems that emerge during the aforementioned phases, forming the basis for measurement of health and safety performance, and ensuring the implementation of legislation in the field of OHS.
For further details of the OHS procedures:
OFFICER ON CALL 0392 661 2020
E-mail: nccisgmetu.edu.trncc-isg
Occupational Safety
Occupational Safety refers to identification of the range of precautions necessary in order to establish and maintain a safe working environment to prevent potential accidents within the Campus.
Occupational Health And Safety
Occupational Health and Safety refers to all precautions planned and implemented at all phases of workplace activities to safeguard the life, health and individual capacity of METU NCC staff, students, and visitors against all occupational risks and other potential risks within the workplace, or to minimize such risks.
Occupational Health And Safety Responsibilities
Who is responsible for occupational health and safety? The best one word answer to the question is; “Everyone”
Everyone is obliged to ensure occupational health and safety of oneself and others at the workplace, avoid the potential hazards and maintain effective workplace precautions.
Please read and apply the following rules for security and safety of your life and property, your health and welfare.
- Use personal protective equipment that will protect you against health or safety risks at the workplace, and do not remove them throughout your visit to the working areas.
- Avoid touching/using machinery and equipment without the consent of authorized officials.
- Take the safe routes assigned for walking/jogging/running within the Campus.
- Do not smoke in the no-smoking areas.
- Use of alcoholic beverages and quasi-drugs is not permitted within the Campus; please do not violate the Campus rules.
- Do not enter the work areas and offices without companion for any reason unless authorized to do so.
- If you are a guest, make sure that your “Visitor’s Pass” is visible to security staff at all times while on the University premises.
- Park your vehicle only in your designated lot.
- Act carefully and responsibly to ensure the safety of oneself and others at all times.
- Keep the Campus and work areas neat and clean.
- Carry, remove, push and pull your luggages safely.
- Do not disturb and distract others who are engaged in a type of work requiring full concentration.
- Never make practical jokes to people who focussed on their work.
- Do not run in the buildings and areas of work. Watch out for slippery surfaces.
- Pay attention to the OHS signs in and out of the Campus buildings.
- Locate fire-extinguishers and emergency assembly areas within the buildings you reside and be present.
- If you are indoors in case of emergency, follow the emergency escape routes to reach emergency exits that lead outside, and go to the relevant assembly area. (Please see the “ Emergency Assembly Areas Chart” on page 8). Read out the University Emergency Plans and find out what to do in an emergency.
- Students, particularly those staying in the Campus dormitories, should not interfere with power failures and broken electric buttons in their rooms. In case of an electric breakdown, please call the electrician.
- If you witness any occupational accidents, immediately contact security staff, first aid team, or medical staff for assistance.
- Do not enter the staff-only areas, do not disturb staff while working. Follow all traffic rules and regulations while on campus.
- Obey posted speed limit signs on campus.
- Be aware of other vehicles and pedestrians at all times.
- Ensure safety on stairs. Do not jump from heights.
- Provide information to the authorities when a potential risk or threat associated with the Campus is identified or perceived.
- Warn those who violate the Campus rules, notify the authorities of any dangerous practices and/or conditions that you encounter. (You can find Near Miss Reports on Campus Life boards or access via Intranet.)
- In the event of fire and possible emergency, try to keep calm and go to the assembly area located in front of the nearest building.(Please see the “ Emergency Assembly Areas Chart” on page 8).
Please contact METU NCC OHS Secreteriat at 661 20 20 to obtain the “OHS Precautions & Practices for METU NCC Students” document.
Details of the “OHS Precautions & Practices for Visitors” document can be found in the “Visitor Guidelines”. For further information, please contact Administrative Affairs at 661 2122.
A workplace emergency is an unforeseen natural or manmade situation that threatens staff, students, visitors, or causes physical or environmental damage, including fires, explosions and natural disasters that pose danger and necessitate immediate treatment, struggle, first aid or evacuation.
Emergency Communication Plan
During an emergency;
Make shouted warnings, notify the security officials by phone or walkie-talkie, if available at your location. If not available, inform them calmly but quickly of an emergency, or call METU NCC Emergeny Contact numbers provided in the following pages of this document. (Please see “Emergency Contact Information” on page 7).
If you notice a fire, immediately activate the fire alarm system manually by breaking the glass of the nearest manual fire alarm call point.
Please note that emergency communications are sent out via sirens, e-mail, Radio ODTÜ Northern Cyprus Studios, walkie-talkies, interphones if working, and cell phones during the implementation of emergency plan at the Campus.
You can call an ambulance, depending on the type and magnitude of emergency.
During a fire emergency or a fire risk, local Fire Department should be called by emergency officials.
First Respond: As soon as an emergency occurs, the first arriving emergency responder, calmly, shouts warning and notifies the security officials of the type and location of incident. Authorized official/s provides the first respond necessary to deal with the emergency incident.
Common Respond: In cases when the first respond to the emergency failed to control the incident, a common respond warning is issued. “Campus Emergency Teams” that consist of qualified staff notify the authorized institutions and foundations quickly of the emergency incident and intervene the situation without taking any risk.
Action in the event of an earthquake:
Do not await instruction from emergency officials; curl up in the fetal position next to a desk or table as fast as possible,
Protect your head and neck with your hands and arms, and hold on until the shaking stops,
When the shaking stops, run out of building as fast as possible following the stairways in pairs under the supervision of authorities, and proceed to the assembly area. Avoid wasting time by gathering your personal belongings,
DO NOT use the fire escape stairs during an earthquake,
Faculty and instructors are responsible for dismissing their classes if an earthquake occurs during school hours,
During the evacuation of the building, stay calm and do not rush for the exit.
Be aware that the evacuation process will begin at ground floor level.
Action in the event of a fire:
On hearing fire alarm during office hours, leave the building by using the nearest fire exit route immediately, in an orderly fashion under the supervision of OHS Building Officials, and proceed to the designated emergency assembly point for your area. During non-office hours, Security Shift Commanders will supervise the evacuation.
Make sure that all windows and doors of your dorm rooms are closed. Leave the building as soon as possible after checking your room to ensure that all occupants have been evacuated.
Leave the building immediately, in a calm, quiet and orderly manner. No running is to be permitted to avoid panic.
Be present at the assembly area when the roll call is conducted and remain at the assembly area until a further notice.
Evacuation Coordinator; have a current roster of all occupants to verify that everyone is accounted for.
Fire warden; on hearing the alarm, turn OFF the switch for the floor/s you are responsible for and turn OFF the main switch as soon as possible. The First Arriving Emergency Responder (if there is a fire); inform Building Security Official immediately.
Building Security Official; respond immediately to the incident. Security Officials; open doors.
Leave the building immediately and in an orderly manner by the nearest available fire escape route (i.e. stairs, fire escape stairs).
Assembly Area Manager; together with other officials in charge, assist people to line up in a queue outside the building, and take a head count immediately to ensure that everyone is out and accounted for.
A continuous, unobstructed path of escape that gives exterior egress from any point of a building or construction to the ground. The term “Escape Routes”- covers;
Exits from rooms and other independent units,
Corridors and other passages at each floor,
Exits from floors,
Stairs reaching ground floor,
Ways leading from ground floor staircases to ground floor building exit,
Please do not obstruct escape routes.
Do not block escape routes. Building Security Official or person in charge of the building is responsible for ensuring that escape routes are not blocked.
Keep clear the escape route of any object that might reduce the width of it.
Do not block escape routes by LPG or other inflammable stuff, incendiary facilities, or anything that poses risk of obstruction.
• When the sirens sound at your workplace;
• When you hear an announcement of emergency;
• When a major earthquake happens;
• If you smell smoke, toxic fumes, or gas;
- Leave the building by the nearest emergency exit as soon as possible. Stay calm, do not run.
- Walk with caution in the middle of the road to proceed to the designated emergency assembly point for your area.
- Take a head count to ensure that all your workmates are out. Follow the instructions of designated officials.