


General Information 

The Library commits to support METU NCC's course programs, meets the changing information needs of the University's students, faculty and staff, and collaborates in resource sharing projects with the national and international institutions.

The library has a collection of 43.000 books, and the library users are able to access (METU Ankara) Main libraries' all electronic resources through the internet, which consists of 75.742 electronic journals, 926.377 e-books through 163 online databases on the campus.

The book collection is organized according to the Library of Congress Classification System in that the general subjects are identified by a single letter of the alphabet, numbers identify subtitles, additional letters and numbers emphasize sub-groups. The book collection is organized on the shelves by this classification system, book number and publishing date. The print journals and newspapers are arranged in alphabetical order.

Collection is predominantly in English, but also contain some in Turkish. All printed materials are on open access in the ground and first floor.

Rules & Policies


General Rules 

  1. No food, beverages or smoking allowed in the library.
  2. Users are responsible for their belongings. The library will not be held responsible for any acts of theft or losses.
  3. Users are required to switch their mobile phones off.
  4. Publications are protected with electronic security systems. No publications may be taken out of the library without permission. Legal measures will be taken against those who attempt to take those without permission.   

Borrowing, Renew and Recall

  1. When borrowing books, you must show your current METU ID Card at the circulation desk. You will not be allowed to check out any items without it. 
  2. It is prohibited to borrow books using another member's ID or library card.
  3. METU NCC academic staff and Phd students may borrow up to 25 books at a time. METU NCC Administrative staff may borrow up to 15 books at a time. Books are lent to them for 30 days.
  4. METU NCC students may borrow up to 15 books at a time. Books are lent to them for 15 days. METU NCC graduate students may borrow 20 books at a time. Books are lent to them for 30 days.
  5. METU NCC academic and administrative staff may borrow up to 3 multimedia items for 3 days, METU NCC students may borrow up to 2 multimedia items for 3 days at a time.
  6. Members with overdue books may not borrow new ones until they return the old books and pay a fine. 
  7. Overdue books may not be renewed.
  8. Reference books and periodicals cannot be borrowed. Periodicals and reference books are to be used only in the library and cannot be taken beyond the security system.
  9. If a longer period is needed, academic staff and research assistants may recheck the item they have on loan three times and students twice, unless the material requested by someone else.
  10. The director of the library may ask a user to return any book in case of necessity.
  11. Students can renew loan periods in person with their METU ID cards and books.
  12. Academic and administrative staff and students can borrow books from the Reserve (Short Loan Section) according to the type and the loan period of the source (for 2 hours, for 5 hours, for one day, for three days, for a week). 
  13. Students can borrow up to 3 books for 7 days from Easy Readings Collection at a time.


  1. Books already on loan can be reserved. 
  2. If you would like to borrow a book checked out by another user, you can click on "Request" button and follow the prompts to request it.
  3. When a requested book returns to the Library, it will get the status 
  4. "on hold", and will be kept for you up to 3 days at the hold shelf in the Circulation Desk.

  5. If reserved books are not claimed within three days, their reservation is canceled.
  6. Members may not reserve more than three books.

Fines for Overdue / Lost Materials

  1. If a borrowed material is not returned on the due date a fine will be charged for each day.
  2. Fine rates for overdue materials:          
    • Late return of a long loan material will incur fine a 30 Kr between 1-7 days, 60 kr after 8 th day.   
    • Short-Loan overdue (Reserve Collection): Late return of a Reserve material will incur a 60 Kr fine per hour (14.4 TL fine per day).
    • In case of delay of multimedia resources: 30 Kr between 1-7 days, 60 kr after 8 th day for every multimedia.
  3. Fine rates for damaged materials or Fine rates for lost materials:   
  4. University Executive Board decision regarding the rate of fines: (Click Library Rules) http://lib.metu.edu.tr/library-rules-policy  
  5. The library sends notifications to the staff for material which has not been returned on time. If the material is not returned within one month it is assumed to be lost and referred to the President of the University to start legal procedures.  

Leaving the University 

  1. Academic and administrative staff that leave the university will not be able to complete their retirement or resignation procedures before returning borrowed materials.  
  2. To complete the procedures academic and administrative staff must obtain a document from the library clearing them of any debt to the library, which they will present to the Personnel Office.  
  3. Students who leave the university without returning books to the library are referred to the President's Office for legal procedures.  
  4. Students who have debts to the library may not renew their admission or obtain their diplomas or related documents.               


  1. Current academic and administrative staff and all registered students and the members of institutions become natural members of the Library after they received the identity card given by the University.  
  2. Members have to inform the library in the event of losing their METU ID cards or any change in their ID information. 
  3. Members agree to obey the library rules.  
  4. Users outside the university may use the library resources, but cannot become members of the library.  


Collection Development

  1. The library selects and accepts the donated materials (books, magazines, CD-ROMs, videos) in line with the collection development policy. 
  2. Our policy of collection development is determined in accordance with the education, teaching and research needs of our university.  
  3. The points to be considered in the selection of the materials        
    • Material other than textbooks should enter the collection for the first time    
    • Material except in social sciences should have been published in last 5 years   
    • In the case of periodicals, continuity should be secured
  4. The materials which can not be included in the collection        
    • Newspapers       
    • Off-prints of journal articles    
    • Material in poor condition       
    • Copied material     
  5. The library has the right to decide on whether or not the donated material will be added to the collection and where it can be placed.  
  6. The library has no obligation to announce the donation material list, but the donation material can be handed in with a list.  
  7. The material that is not added to collection can be returned to the person making the donation, be donated to other university libraries or given to the METU Book Fund.  
  8. The material that is appropriate for the library collection is given an office stock number and added to the collection like the other materials, and goes into service. A letter of acknowledgement is sent in the name of the university to the person or the organization making the donation.