Photocopy machines are available for self-service photocopying on the Ground Floor in the Library.
Printed materials are protected under the 1988 Copyright Act. However, it is permitted to make single copies for research and private study only. These must not exceed one article from a periodical or one chapter (or extracts amounting to 10%) of a book.
- Is there an account number that I can pay for copy/print card?
T.İş Bankası ODTÜ KKK / O.D.T.Ü. K.K.T.C Branch 6822 Branch Code / 2002 Account Number / IBAN: TR91 0006 4000 0016 8220 0020 02
You can pay the fee to the account above and e-mail the receipt to ncclib
Copy/Print Card 35 TL / 100 credits 40 TL