

School Of Foreign Languages Administration & Academic Board

Filiz Korkmaz Odabaşı
School of Foreign Languages Director

Undergraduate: ODTÜ

Graduate: European University of Lefke (in progress)

Büşra Balcı

English Preparatory Program Coordinator

Undergraduate: Bilkent University
Graduate: Bilkent University

Seyhan Özmenek
Modern Languages Program Coordinator

Undergraduate: Marmara Üniversitesi
Graduate: Yeditepe Üniversitesi
Ph.D. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi (in progress)

Eda Dumrul Tüm
English Preparatory Program Representative

Undergraduate: METU

Rana Şenol
Languages Program Representative

Undergraduate: University of Pittsburgh
Graduate: The New School University; Palmer School of LIS

Ezgişan Özdemir

İletişim: +90 392 661 2800


The School of Foreign Languages Academic Board is composed of the Coordinator of the  English Preparatory Program, the Coordinator of the Modern Languages Program, and two instructors elected by full time SFL staff. It is chaired by the Director. The SFL Academic Board oversees the coordination and implementation of the educational activities of the English Preparatory Program and Modern Languages Program, and offers suggestions. It takes decisions regarding the preparation and implementation of these educational activities. The Board provides viewpoints to the METU Northern Cyprus Campus President on these matters both by referring to and revising existing regulations. Most frequent types of applications processed by the Academic Board are:

  • Recruitment of new instructors,
  • Instructors' application for promotion,
  • Students' application for yearly leave,
  • Applications to conduct research at SFL,
  • Instructors' attendance to scientific meetings.