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The purpose of METU NCC Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee is to determine whether the scientific research conducted within and/or outside the university is carried out in accordance with the ethical principles. In particular, a research involving data acquisition from human participants (such as surveys, laboratory experiments, field experiments, interviews, etc.) requires ethical approval.


The mission of METU NCC Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee is to provide any person affiliated with the university with necessary sensibilities to develop ethical awareness in society, and to ensure that the behaviors and decisions related to social life take place within the framework of ethical principles.

Basic Principles of Scientific Research Ethics

The following basic principles of scientific research and publication ethics are applicable to all disciplines:

1) The main principle is that research conducted does not harm human and animal health, as well as ecological balance and does not pose any risks. Researchers should ensure that the possible harm to human and animals are eliminated or minimized. The necessary permits are obtained from the authorized units before the start of the studies.

2) An informed consent should be obtained from all participants.

3) Participants have the right to withdraw the participation at any time of the research.

4) Researchers and authorities are obliged to inform and warn the persons concerned about possible harmful practices related to scientific research.

5) The data and information obtained from individuals and institutions during the research can be used to the extent of permission, and as such confidentiality must be respected and protected.

6) Research requiring ethical review, must not begin without approval. The University takes no responsibility in such cases whereby researchers do not have Research and Publication Ethics clearance.

Ethics Committee Working Procedures

Research ethics applications can be submitted to METU NCC Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee. If researchers are not sure whether they should apply for ethical approval, they should consult the committee (The flowchart of Application Process may also help).

In order to apply for ethical approval, applicants need to use the online SUBMISSION SYSTEM. The researchers have the responsibility to ensure that all relevant documents are also included in the application. Applicants will be informed about the result within 60 days of the application. Therefore, applicants must apply for ethical approval at least 60 days before the beginning of research.  

METU NCC Scientific Research Ethics Committee Members

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Sönmez (Head of the Committee)
Prof. Dr. Murat Fahrioğlu
Prof. Dr. Okan Topçu
Asst. Prof. Dr. Cem Direkoğlu
Asst. Prof. Dr. Reşit Kışlıoğlu  
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hande Sözer
Asst. Prof. Dr. Danyal Öztaş Tüm

