Alumni on Campus 5
"Alumni on Campus 5" (in Turkish), an event organized by Career and Management Club, will be held on 21 April 2017 Friday, at 7.30 pm in the CCC Amfi 3. During the event, the alumni will share with us their educational and business experiences. All students and staff are kindly invited. Detailed information about the alumni’s are as follow:
Müge Türegün, BUS 2011
Neslihan Yılmaz, CVE 2010
Ahmet Mert Polater, EEE 2014
Kalender Akgül , MECH 2009
Melis Tutan, PSIR 2012
Yalçın Altınok Darıcı, CNG 2014
Dilem Eroğlu, CHME 2014
Elif Tekin, PSYC 2011