Energy Management and Sustainable Manufacturing by Dr Murat Sönmez
Energy Management (EM) and Advanced Materials & Sustainable Manufacturing (AMSM) Research Group of METU NCC SEES
Natural capital of the Earth is exhaustible, ecosystems are sensitive to negative effects, even may collapse, be destroyed. In many countries, up to 80-85% of total energy consumption is still met by fossil fuels. Fossil sources, which evolved hundreds of millions of years ago, have been increasingly consumed since the beginning of the industrial revolution and when the amount of proven reserves is considered, it can be clearly seen that these resources will be exhausted in the near future. Until the reliable energy sources replace fossil fuels, the energy utilization efficiency of the energy conversion systems should be increased in order to extend the duration of depletion of fossil fuels, decrease the cost of manufacturing and reduce the air pollution caused by the conversion of fossil fuels to renewable energy. This is the main subject of concern in 'Energy Management'. The primary objective of energy management is to realize the activities of organizations with highest energy efficiency and minimum energy cost, without any concession in product quality, expectations, safety and environmental compatibility. Energy efficiency is the most promising means to reduce greenhouse gases in the short term.
Energy Management requires;
*well educated experts with fresh ideas,
*analytical approaches,
*interdisciplinary research and development skills.
A research subject is proposed with the objective of structuring a training course based on the Life Long Learning approach to certify Energy Managers under the frame of METU NCC Sustainability Centre.
To extend the depletion time of some engineering materials, to save fresh water and to decrease CO2 footprint, designers should determine the shape and size of the objects and select the appropriate material not only by considering the strength of the material but also the impact of the manufacturing process. Sustainable manufacturing is defined as the creation of a product with processes that have less negative effect on the environment, that conserve energy and natural sources and that are safe for employees and communities as well as being economically sound. Today in some solid modelling environments, designers can find a tool that facilitates the sustainable manufacturing. The designer can see which material requires how much energy and how much water consumption at the conceptual design stage in the virtual domain.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Sönmez is the group contact of the Energy Management Research Group, and a member of Advanced Materials & Sustainable Manufacturing Research Group at Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus (METU NCC). He works on energy saving, energy management, technical education, and computer aided design and manufacturing.
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