Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering students make METU feel proud for the second time this year
Burak Pehlevan, a 4thyear student of the METU Northern Cyprus Campus Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program, won first place in the presentation contest held in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine within the scope of the International Fuel Congress event last week. The presentation contest, which is organized every two years under the sponsorship of SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers), was held for the fourth time. SPE has approximately 160,000 members worldwide. Burak Pehlevan presented his project titled ‘Directional Strain Using Uniaxial Compression Tests on Rock Samples’ in the contest. The International Fuel Congress event was attended with great interest by representatives of the companies of Eastern Euporean countries, particularly of Ukraine, and students studying in the petroleum engineering departments located in those regions. It has been held since 2013.
Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree students of the petroleum engineering departments of the European countries such as Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, and Italy participated in the presentation contest in the same category. Burak Pehlevan presented the results of the project, which he developed last year in collaboration with Ahmed Hassan, another 3rd year student, within the framework of the PNGE 490 technical elective course. The project was completed in the laboratories of the METU Northern Cyprus Campus, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program.
In April, Yusuf Shakeel, a 4th year student of METU Northern Cyprus Campus Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program, won second place in the Europe-wide article/presentation contest in the category of undergraduate level. This contest, which was also organized by SPE, was held in Poland. In the contest, Shakeel presented the results of the project titled ‘High-Performance Optimization of Cyclic Steam Injection by Coupling Particle Swarms and a Data-Driven Forecasting Model’, which he developed in collaboration with Ahmed Magdy Khalil, another 4th year student, within the framework of the elective research course.