METU NCC IEEE Student Society wins the“IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2021”
The METU NCC IEEE Student Society has won the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2021. The Society has been presented the award for the technical seminars organized, projects developed and achievements obtained in competitions by its members throughout the year 2021, and above all, for the close-knit community that it provides. The IEEE Student Society has won the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award for the fourth time in a row, in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. “Having received the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award for the fourth time in a row, the METU NCC IEEE Student Society has obtained a series of significant achievements. We are committed to working hard to achieve our full potential and receive this award, and many more awards, in the years to come,” Hanifi Çakmak, the Chairperson of the METU NCC IEEE Student Society, said when asked for his thoughts on the success of the Society.
The METU NCC IEEE Student Society, which has been offering activities since 2010 at METU Cyprus, produces projects within the scope of IEEE succeeding in its efforts. The Society, as an internationally recognized student association, contributes to the personal and social development of its members within a strong community based on common values while facilitating knowledge and experience transfer between students and business professionals worldwide.
About the Award
The IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award is presented, annually, in each Region of the IEEE to those Student Branches that are found to be operated in a manner consistent with the goals of IEEE. The purpose of this award is to provide public recognition of exemplary IEEE Student Branch activities such as technical seminars, projects, scientific studies, etc. Student Branches draw up a report containing their activities performed throughout the year and submit the report to IEEE. Following the evaluation of the reports by IEEE, the Award is presented to those Student Branches considered to have achieved outstanding performance. The deadline for submission of application documents is 31st March of each year.