

Over the past ten years, the METU NCC Tennis Team has gained a foothold in Cyprus through its accomplishments and has represented the University at the Inter-University Tennis Tournament organized by the Federation of University Sports, which is held on an annual basis in Lefkoşa/Nicosia.

An Interview with Salih Can Şahin, President of the Tennis Team - Civil Engineering Program:


  • How does the Tennis Team prepare for a tournament? Could you tell us about the new player selection process?

We practice regularly throughout the year to succeed. Team tryouts are held in October of each year and new players are selected according to their performance at the team tryouts. In all selections, we need to take into account the specific needs of the team. Players whose skills fit a specific need for the team's overall balance are selected.

  •  Do you have any other activities apart from getting ready for and participating in tournaments?

Of course...The Tennis Team is one of the deep-rooted sports clubs of the University. In addition to organizing on-campus activities on a regular basis and providing training programs, we offer tennis classes for beginner and intermediate levels each semester, in collaboration with the Directorate of Sports and Recreation. The goal of these courses is to assist participants in learning tennis from scratch and allow them to advance quickly to higher levels. We also organize on-campus tournaments that provide a competitive opportunity for tennis lovers who are not team players. The Tennis Team will be working hard to perfect its game and to promote tennis.

Tennis Team Captain: Salih Can Şahin
E-mail: can.sahinatmetu.edu.tr

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