Dear Students,
According to the unanimous decision taken at the Senate meeting held on Thursday, September 2, 2021, face-to-face education for the Fall Semester of 2021-2022 Academic Year will begin at our university on Monday, October 18, 2021. However, this decision is subject to change depending on the course of the Pandemic and the decisions to be taken by the official authorities.
The English Preparatory School will start classes online on October 11. Depending on the course of the Pandemic, face-to-face education will begin at the Preparatory School in the Spring Semester of 2021-2022 Academic Year.
You can see the preliminary announcements regarding the procedures for the Fall Semester of 2021-2022 Academic Year below:
Academic Procedures:
1. Due to the high number of students in both the English Preparatory and Modern Languages Programs in the School of Foreign Languages (SFL), the student capacity of the Preparatory School buildings being not convenient for face-to-face education during the Pandemic, and the fact that no alternative classrooms can be found for the classes carried out by the SFL, all courses and student evaluation processes conducted by the SFL (i.e. English Preparatory Program and Modern Languages Program) will be entirely carried out by distance education methods in the Fall Semester of 2021-2022 Academic Year. If the conditions are suitable according to the course of the Pandemic, face-to-face education will start in the Spring Semester.
2. The regulations of our university regarding the face-to-face and distance education courses, the conditions and qualifications of the programs will be followed by the Faculties, Graduate Schools and the administrative boards of the departments, and they will make the necessary arrangements in line with the decisions to be taken by our university depending on the course of the Pandemic.
3. Due to the conditions made necessary by the Pandemic, each course will last 40 minutes, which will be followed by a 20-minute-long break time.
4. The classes, as well as evaluation and assessment processes of the noncompulsory and noncredit courses listed below that all students in our university must take, will be carried out entirely by distance education:
3610101Turkish I
3610201 Elementary Turkish
3610102 Turkish II
3610202 Intermediate Turkish
3620201 Principles of Kemal Atatürk I
3620202 Principles of Kemal Atatürk II
3620205 History of The Turkish Revolution I
3620206 History of The Turkish Revolutıon II
3550100 Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications
3870101 Occupational Health and Safety-I
3870301 Occupational Health And Safesty II
3780100 First Year on Campus Seminar
5. Departments can offer up to 40% of the total number of their departmental undergraduate and graduate credit courses (each to be calculated separately) via distance education.
6. In addition to midterms and final exams, other student assessment and evaluation methods such as quizzes, homework assignments, and project assignments can be conducted remotely like they were during the distance education period.
7. Situations that usually require physical interaction such as student registrations, advisor approvals, student-advisor meetings and office hours can be conducted online.
8. Meetings of all the committees and boards operating in Departments, Faculties, Schools, and Graduate Schools as well as University Administrative Board and Senate Meetings, and other meetings that require gathering jury members etc. can be held online when necessary.
9. It is compulsory to wear face masks in the classrooms and all the other indoor places. Those who do not want to fulfill this requirement will not be admitted to the classes and other related places. Executives of the relevant academic and administrative units will be responsible for monitoring and implementation of this rule.
Administrative Procedures:
1. In order to attend the face-to-face classes and enter common places such as studying areas, all students and personnel must complete their vaccination processes as specified ADAPASS, HEALTHPASS, GREENPASS and NHS QR code for UK citizens; students and personnel who have not yet completed their vaccinations are required to submit a negative PCR test taken no more than 3 days ago, including the day of submission.
2. The students who will be allowed to stay in the dormitories must complete their vaccination processes as specified on ADAPASS, HEALTHPASS, GREENPASS and NHS QR code for UK citizens
Note: Students who will travel to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus can follow the detailed and up-to-date information about the admission requirements to the island at https://saglik.gov.ct.tr/.
We wish all our students a healthy and successful academic year.