
CLUBS & SOCIETIES “Fantastic Fiction Society”

The Fantastic Fiction Society aims to help students to minimize academic stress and to manage exam stress. The Society organizes weekly activities to achieve its goal. Activites of the Society include tournaments, fantasy role-playing games (FRP) and atelier works. FRP is a tabletop role-playing game in which participants assume the roles of fantasy characters and act out fantastical adventures. In addition, the annual METU NCC Spring Festival includes a Treasure Hunt game, which is an activity that requires puzzle-solving. Treasure Hunt is one of the most popular activities in Cyprus.

Interview with the head of the Fantastic Fiction Society – Gökhan Tural:

  • Which FRP game attracts more people?

There is a variety of FRP games, subdivided by genre. We usually play Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), a game designed for those who are fond of the Medieval period, and World of Darkness (WoD), a game designed for those interested in modern times. Game masters create their own worlds and run the game.World Of Darkness is the most popular FRP game.

  • Who is the creator of the most powerful character in this game?

It would not be appropriate to make such a comparison because it will vary depending on each game. A character might be physically weak, for example, but socially powerful. The important thing in the games is not to win, but to take part.

  • Who are the potential participants of Treasure Hunt?

We have not carried out a survey so far but, considering the recent award winners, we can say that engineering students have a keen interest in Treasure Hunt. It also attracts faculty members.

  • Does the game take place at certain places or campus-wide?

To avoid midday sun exposure and to minimize health risks, the Treasure Hunt event is restricted to the engineering labs and swimming pool area. The game can be played in a wider area towards the evening, however, the participation rate may decrease due to the popularity of evening concerts.

President: Gökhan Tural
e-mail: gokhan.turalatmetu.edu.tr