
With Profound Respect and Gratitude, METU NCC Remembers the Great Leader Atatürk

Saturday, November 10, 2018 marks the 80th anniversary of the loss of our commander-in-chief and head teacher Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, whose progressive reforms shaped the modern Turkey. On this significant day, a program in memory of the Great Leader Atatürk, the founder of the contemporary and democratic Republic of Turkey, will be held on campus.  

November 10th Program: 

09.05: Moment of Silence (In front of Atatürk’s Monument) 
09.20:  Commemoration Ceremony - Culture and Convention Centre, Amfi 3 
09.25: Slide Show, “Atatürk's Republic, the Republic’s ODTÜ” and “Misak-ı Maarif Performed in Atatürk’s Period” by METU GİSAM 
09.35: Atatürk's Favourite Folk Songs by the Folklore Club 
09.45: "From Mondros to Lausanne, from Dynastic State to Nation-state: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk" by Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Hasan Samani (The speech will be delivered in Turkish)