The METU NCC IEEE Student Society has been selected second time as Exemplary Student Branch
The METU NCC IEEE Student Society has been selected second time as Exemplary Student Branch, for its activities, in the region that includes Europe, Middle East and Africa. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), which is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, also serves as a roof organization of the student societies that have been established at universities under the name IEEE student branches or chapters. The IEEE student societies in leading universities around the world carry out challenging projects, and establish early links with global professional networks. The METU Northern Cyprus Campus IEEE Student Society, which previously received various awards, has been selected to be one of the recipients of the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award as a result of its performance in the year 2018.
There were few notable improvements and recognitions in the operations of the society in year 2018 including: PES society award for being High Performance Student Chapter, participating in the establishment of 'Educational Activities Board' in Turkey, tutoring or training others, or executing a budgeted project, collaborations with Green Campus Initiative, working on clear goals towards internationalizing the society, and being a flagship students society on campus by reaching membership levels of more than 5% of student body on campus with about third active in organizing a social responsibility event.