An achievement that makes METU Northern Cyprus Campus proud
Yusuf Shakeel, 4th Year METU NCC Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering student, won the second place in the SPE Europe Student Paper Contest. Yusuf presented the results of the project titled “High-Performance Optimization of Cyclic Steam Injection by Coupling Particle Swarms and a Data-Driven Forecasting Model” that he completed with Ahmed Magdy Khalil (4th Year PNGE student).
Yusuf Shakeel, a 4th year student of the METU Northern Cyprus Campus Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program, won second place in the Europe-wide article/presentation contest, which is organized by the SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers). The contest was held in Poland. Shakeel, who competed in the category of undergraduate level, presented the results of the project titled “High-Performance Optimization of Cyclic Steam Injection by Coupling Particle Swarms and a Data-Driven Forecasting Model” in the contest. The project was developed collaboratively by Yusuf Shakeel and Ahmed Magdy Khalil, another 4th year student, within the framework of the elective research course.
Over the past years, METU Northern Cyprus Campus students have achieved to win first place three times in the Turkey leg, and once in the Europe leg, of the same contest. The METU Northern Cyprus Campus Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program, which currently has approximately 125 students, has been providing education successfully for twelve years. Of those 125, more than half are international students representing 20 different countries. Graduates of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Program are employed in various countries all around the world in addition to the petroleum and geothermal companies in Turkey, and some of the graduates pursue further studies.
The article/presentation contest, which is open to undergraduate, Master's and PhD students studying in petroleum engineering, is held annually in the 14 regions selected by the SPE. Students of the petroleum engineering departments of the most deep-rooted universities of Europe as well as Turkish universities compete in the category Europe. These European universities include Imperial College (UK), TU Delft (Netherlands), Clausthal University of Technology (Germany), University of Stavanger (Norway), IFP School (France), Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), and Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria). Later on all regional winners compete in the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, the largest congress of petroleum engineers, which is held in autumn every year. The SPE Student Paper Contest attracts attention of the most well-known petroleum engineering departments and oil companies across the world.