The METU NCC Cinema Club was established in 2006 by students interested in cinema. It was created to be a broad infrastructure that will truly meet the needs and expectations of film lovers in every respect. The Club, which organizes various events to provide a platform for communication on cinema, captures the attention of more people each year and increases the number of its members.
Interview with the head of the Cinema Club– Furkan Soyer– Computer Engineering Student:
- Could you tell us about your activities briefly?
We organize special screenings of the cult movies alongside the films produced by the Club members, or those in which members of the Club act. We make an effort to attract film lovers from other universities to the Short Film Festival that we regularly organize at the Campus. Through the Festival, we aim to enhance the scope of our efforts to develop communication across a broad spectrum of cinema and explore the fascinating world of films. In addition, we organize a Horror Night event, which usually captivates a large and enthusiastic audience. The activities of the Cinema Club also include various workshops attended by the prominent figures of cinema, as well as on-campus interviews conducted at times and published at the University website. Besides, we try to watch the films that gave a novel touch to cinema and the latest films now showing in cinemas.
- When do the Short Film Festival and Horror Night take place? And when are they scheduled for 2017?
The Horror Night event has been held in December for several years. As for the Short Film Festival, it takes place in May every year. They will presumably take place on the same dates. The University's exam calendar is taken into account when scheduling such activities, so that everybody can participate. We, therefore, are unable to tell you the exact dates.
- We would like to hear more about the Short Film Festival and its stages of organization. What types of factors do you pay attention to when organizing the Festival? Do you have a film selection criteria? Can you name some universities that have submitted films to the Festival so far? Which universities has the Festival attracted audience from?
There are some restrictions related to the content and length of the films submitted, but the choice of themes is not limited. Short films on a variety of topics can be submitted. So far, the Festival has been attended by students from the TRNC universities; Eastern Mediterranean University, Girne American University, International Cyprus University, and Lefke European University in particular.
- Do you submit to film festivals? Has any of the films produced by the Club members won awards?
Yes, we do. The films produced by the Cinema Club members are released at the Short Film Festival held at our campus, but we also submit them to the festivals organized by other universities. We have films that have won various awards at festivals.
- How do you finance your short film projects and other activities, for which you have to create a budget?
We generate our revenue from the Horror Night event. We donate part of the event revenue to the METU NCC Scholarship Fund. Besides, we have sponsored this year's Spring Festival.
- Could you give us more details about the Horror Night?
The aim of this activity is to help students to take a break from their busy academic schedules. The attenders of the Horror Night event enter a labyrinth on the ground floor of the Culture and Convention Center to reach the hall where the event is held. The labyrinth consists of various rooms, where the attenders find themselves confronted with various horror-movie characters. Film screenings last until the early hours of the morning.
- What other activities are included in this year's festival?
Unlike previous years, a night around the Star Wars concept, jointly planned by the Cinema Club members and film lovers from Turkey, will take place in the Festival programme. The cinema societies of the leading Turkish universities, not only of the TRNC universities, will participate in this year's festival. The Festival will include, as usual, workshops and talks.
- Have you ever come across unfairly overlooked, or unappreciated, films that you have found very impressive?
Of course. The purpose of our film screenings is to encourage film lovers to watch such films.
President: Furkan Soyer