We are surely going through tough times. We are aware that this pandemic is making you feel worried. We acknowledge your worries and are taking all necessary precautions. We are doing all that is necessary to prevent this unpredictable and challenging period from further hindering your academic progress. Being productive during this challenging period, where you should not be leaving your houses/rooms unless necessary, would enable you to have a sharp mind. We believe that we can overcome this worrying period together even though this means not physically.
Following the decision of the TRNC Council of Ministers to suspend classes as a precaution for the Novel Coronavirus, measures and the decisions for the continuity of academic activities taken by YÖK and METU are as follows:
- - 2019-2020 Spring Academic Term courses (except partially for applied courses) will be continued online (synchronously and/or a-synchronously) starting as of 23rd March 2020 Monday until further notice.
- - Theoretical hours of those courses which involve both applied and theoretic credits will be held online whereas the practical parts will be covered during face to face classes on dates on the academic calendar that will be announced at a later date. You will be informed about all the details regarding the courses you are registered via messages from your course instructors.
- - In the case that synchronised online instruction is offered, the class/problem-solving hours will be the same as the calendar and hours conducted before the suspension of instruction due to COVID-19. To sum up, the weekly schedule of courses will not change. In synchronised or non-synchronised instruction, the credit of the course and weekly interaction hours required by the course will be adhered to.
- - Practical credit components such as laboratory, internship, etc. that require face-to-face meetings or teamwork will not be included in online instruction, to take place at a later date.
- - Depending on the decision of the lecturers offering the course, midterm exams can be carried out through distance education methods in the form of assignment, online quiz, and project. Information concerning these issues will be conveyed to you by the instructors of the related courses. Arrangements related to the final exams will be announced later after the necessary evaluations have been made.
- - The course activities assigned previously, such as homework, quiz, etc. will continue as usual.
In order for us to overcome this process with the least possible loss, it is essential that all components of our university, particularly students -fundamental component, act with goodwill and solidarity. Please complete all course processes that our faculty members have urgently prepared for you as the conditions require. We believe without doubt that you will cooperate with us within this period so that we can look back when we have overcome this challenge and see that we have fulfilled all requirements of our academic life and of being a part of the METU community despite all difficulties.
Wishing you productive days when you strictly take the necessary precautions for your health, we look forward to seeing you again in classes.
We will keep you updated on this matter for possible changes.