Green Brain 2017 Finalists
High school contest / Junior Green Brain of the Year Finalists
Ref No | Name-Surname 1 | Name-Surname 2 | School Name | Project Title | Competition Type |
1496328074 | Sena Ecem ÖZCAN | Rana Yaren CİVELEK | ORDU / ALTINORDU - Dr. M. Hilmi Güler Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi | Duvar Kağıdı ile Yalıtım | HIGH SCHOOL |
1490965062 | Ayşe Bige ÖZDAL | Esin AŞAN | Çevre Koleji | Tuzcul Pantoea Bakterisinden Elektrik Üretimi | HIGH SCHOOL |
1496695324 | Doğu Deniz Uğur | Eda Ayan | TED Ankara College Private High School | Designing a Circuit for Harvesting Atmospheric Electricity as An Alternative to Existing Renewable Energy Sources | HIGH SCHOOL |
1495703376 | Evren Geydirici | Müge Demirsoy | Özel Ege Lisesi | Doğrudan Metanollü Yakıt Pillerinde (DMYP) Anot Katalist Tabakasında TiO2 Nanoeklentisi Kullanımının Performansa Etkisinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi | HIGH SCHOOL |
1490022128 | Handenur AĞAN | Ezgi BİLGİLİ | Samsun Garip Zeycan Yıldırım Fen Lisesi | Balmumu Örtüsü | HIGH SCHOOL |
Universities contest / Green Brain of the Year Finalists
Ref No | Name-Surname 1 | Name-Surname 2 | School Name | Project Title | Competition Type |
1496497992 | Kiran Adhikari | Larissa Oliveira | Jacobs University | Wireless Resonance Power Transfer By Superposing Magnetic Fields For Reducing Batteries and Other Electronic Wastes | UNIVERSITY |
1495764265 | Teow Wei Wei | Ser Yi Heng | Taylor's University Lakeside Campus | MAG-VAWT | UNIVERSITY |
1495695328 | Bilal Siddiqui | Jesutomito P. Morankinyo | Cyprus Science University | Olive Pomace-based Green Bifunctional Photosensitive Nanocomposite for Olive Mill Wastewater Treatment: Techno-economic feasibility analysis | UNIVERSITY |
1495743177 | Hossam Ahmed | Kareem Ahmed | ODTU KKK | Environmental signal amplifier | UNIVERSITY |
The five finalist teams from both Junior Green Brain and Green Brain Contest will be invited to METU NCC (all expenses paid) on 5-8th of October 2017 to present their project in front of the jury. The winner team will earn the title of “Junior Green Brain of the Year 2017” and “Green Brain of the Year 2017”.
You may visit the About the Contest page for more information regarding our Green Brain Contest.
*Members of the nine teams who made the finals for the Green Brain competition of the Year, strengthened by the sponsorship of Garanti Bank, will be welcomed for an all-expenses paid trip to North Cyprus |