Dear Alumni,
It’s the final countdown for our online, “ODTÜLÜ’ler Her Yerde Hep Birlikte” meeting.
All our preparation is almost complete for our event, which will be broadcast live on Friday, September 25, 2021 at 6pm on the METU YouTube channel. We are excited to meet with you after a long break, even though we have had to go online.
As was the case for many of our past Alumni Day events, our student and alumni clubs will be performing for us this year. In addition to our line-up of outstanding speakers and guests, the two-hour event will feature music and dance recitals by the METU President’s Office Choir and the Classical Turkish Music Club Alumni as well as Jazzberry Tunes, not to mention competitions and the various surprises we have in store for you. We are making sure that everyone will have a very good time.
You will receive updates about the programs details and the YouTube viewing link for the event very soon. For more information about our announcements and activities, please visit the Alumni Office webpage (https://mezun.metu.edu.tr/), follow the official METU social media accounts, sign up for the mailing list in the Contact section of our webpage (https://mezun.metu.edu.tr/iletisim/) or apply to become a member of the ODTÜM group on LinkedIn. (https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12478875/).
Wishing you good health,
METU Alumni Office