The demand side management of electric power systems – by Dr. Murat Fahrioğlu
Solar & Wind Energy Systems (SWES) Research Group of METU NCC SEES
Dr. Murat Fahrioglu's main research interest is the demand side management of electric power systems. Electricity demand around the world is ever increasing and this is usually met by increasing the supply using fossil fuel based power generation stations. Demand side nowadays is making a strong case to be included in considerations to help the increasing energy needs. Effective use of the demand side of electricity can help alleviate the stress brought onto the electric power grids of countries helping them avoid forced outages.
Sensitivity analysis using the demand side can help improve the power system health. However only so much can be done using the demand side, hence the supply side of electricity needs to be improved to create a more sustainable and environmentally healthy mix. Fossil fuel based generation needs to be replaced by up and coming solar and wind energy technologies and other types of renewable energy.
One of the research challenges with renewable energy is the amount that can be included into existing power grid. Different types of renewable energy can cause various problems for the grid especially for the island networks. A hot topic these days is to investigate the amount of renewable energy that can be included in the supply mix without creating problems for the power system. Interconnection of power grids of countries can help increase the level of renewable energy penetration and possibly help utilize the renewable sources of different kinds. Northern Cyprus power grid is a good example of an island grid susceptible to problems created by renewable energy penetration.
One of Dr. Fahrioglu's latest research topics is to investigate how to increase the level of renewable energy in the Northern Cyprus power grid with and without an electrical interconnection to Turkey.
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