Ana Sayfa

Ders Tanımları

Mühendislik Lisans Programları

Ders Tanımları

CNG 101 Computer Engineering Orientation
CNG 111 Introduction to Computer Engineering Concepts
CNG 140 C Programming
CNG 213 Data Structures
CNG 223 Discrete Computational Structures
CNG 232 Logic Design
CNG 242 Programming Language Concepts
CNG 280 Formal Languages and Abstract Machines
CNG 300 Summer Practice I
CNG 315 Algorithms
CNG 331 Computer Organization
CNG 334 Introduction to Operating Systems
CNG 336 Introduction to Embedded Systems Development
CNG 350 Software Engineering
CNG 351 Data Management and File Structures
CNG 384 Signals and Systems for Computer Engineers
CNG 400 Summer Practice II
CNG 435 Data Communications and Computer Networking
CNG 491 Senior Project and Seminar: Desing
CNG 492 Senior Project and Seminar: Implementation
EEE 281 Electrical Circuits
STAS 221 Statistics for


CNG 316 Practice of Algorithms
CNG 332 Systems Programming and Support Environments
CNG 340 Rapid Application Development
CNG 352 Database Management System
CNG 353 Software Design Patterns
CNG 371 Scientific Computing 
CNG 382 Analysis of Dynamic Systems With Feedback
CNG 409 Special Topics: Introduction to Machine Learning 
CNG 436 Wireless Communication and Networks
CNG 438 Information and Network Security
CNG 443 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Systems
CNG 445 Software Development with Scripting Languages
CNG 451 Information Systems Development
CNG 455 Introduction to Service-Oriented Computing
CNG 456 Scalable Web Application Development
CNG 457 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Software Construction
CNG 462 Artificial Intelligence
CNG 463 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
CNG 465 Introduction to Bioinformatics
CNG 466 Fundamentals of Image Processing
CNG 476 System Simulation
CNG 477 Computer Graphics
CNG 478 Introduction to Parallel Computing
CNG 483 Introduction to Computer Vision
CNG 487 Special Topics in Computer Engineering: Introduction to Quantum Computing 
CNG 495 Cloud Computing
CNG 496 Introduction to Semantic Web
CNG 514 Data Mining
CNG 532 Distributed Computing Systems 
CNG 562 Machine Learning
CNG 583 Computational Vision
CNG 769 Web Based Software Architectures
CNG 1530 Medical Image Analysis 
CNG 1531 Distributed Interactive Simulation
CNG 2542 Human Computer Interaction
CNG 2546 Software Architecture
EEE 446 Computer Architecture II
EEE 282 Introduction to Digital Electronics
CNG 100 Introduction to Information Technologies and Applications
CNG 230 Introduction to C Programming
CNG 301 Algorithms and Data Structures