Ana Sayfa

Araştırma-Cem Direkoğlu

Mühendislik Lisans Programları

Araştırma-Cem Direkoglu

Research Field

  • Computer vision and Pattern Recognition
  • Image and Video Analysis
  • Signal and Image Processing


Research Interests

My research is mainly in the feature extraction area of image/video analysis. My research interests can be summarized as follows. 

  • Human (individual/group) behavior analysis in sport and surveillance videos
  • Video event detection
  • Object detection and localization
  • Motion analysis and tracking
  • Feature/shape/skeleton extraction and segmentation


Ongoing research projects

  • Crowd behavior analysis in surveilance videos
  • Team behavior analysis and activity recognition in sport videos
  • Player detection/tracking and classification in sport videos

Journal Publications

  • Cem Direkoglu and Mark S. Nixon. On Using an Analogy to Heat Flow for Shape Extraction, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 16(2):125-139, May 2013. (5-year impact factor: 0.944)
  • Cem Direkoğlu, Rozenn Dahyot and Michael Manzke. On using Anisotropic Diffusion for Skeleton Extraction, International Journal of Computer Vision, 100(2):170-189, November 2012. (5-year impact factor: 4.856).
  • Cem Direkoglu and Mark S. Nixon. Shape Classification via Image-based Multiscale Description, Pattern Recognition, 44(9):2134-2146, September 2011. (5-year impact factor: 3.219)
  • Cem Direkoglu and Mark S. Nixon. Moving-Edge Detection via Heat Flow Analogy, Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(2):270-279, January 2011. (5-year impact factor: 1.529)
  • Mark Nixon, Xin Liu, Cem Direkoglu and David Hurley. On Using Physical Analogies for Feature and Shape Extraction in Computer Vision, The Computer Journal, 54(1):11-25, 2011. (5-year impact factor: 0.954)


Conference Publications

  • Iveel Jargalsaikhan, Cem Direkoğlu, Suzanne Little, and Noel E. O’Connor. An Evaluation of Local Action Descriptors for Human Action Classification in the Presence of Occlusion. International Conference on Multimedia Modelling (MMM), LNCS vol. 8326, pages: 56-67, January 2014.
  • Iveel Jargalsaikhan, Suzanne Little, Cem Direkoğlu and Noel E. O’Connor. Action Recognition based on Sparse Motion Trajectories. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP 2013), pages: 15 – 18, September 2013.
  • Suzanne Little, Iveel Jargalsaikhan, Kathy Clawson, Marcos Nieto, Cem Direkoglu, Noel E. O'Connor, Alan F. Smeaton, Hao Li, Hui Wang and Bryan Scotney. An information retrieval approach to identifying infrequent events in surveillance video. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2013), pages: 223-230April 2013.
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Noel E. O’Connor. Team Activity Recognition in Sports, European Conference on Computer Vision, (ECCV 2012), LNCS vol. 7578, pages: 69-83, October 2012. 
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Noel E. O’Connor. Team Behavior Analysis in Sports using the Poisson Equation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (ICIP 2012), pages: 2693-2696, September 2012.
  • Cem Direkoğlu, Rozenn Dahyot and Michael Manzke.SkeletonExtraction via Anisotropic Heat Flow, British Machine Vision Conference 2010 (BMVC 2010), pages: 61.1 - 61.11,September 2010.
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Mark S. Nixon, Image-based Multiscale Shape Description using Gaussian Filter, IEEE Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (ICVGIP 2008), pages: 673-678, December 2008.
  • Mark S. Nixon, Xin U. Liu, Cem Direkoğlu and David J. Hurley, On Using Physical Analogies for Feature and Shape Extraction in Computer Vision, British Computer Society Visions of Computer Science Conference (BCS 2008), pages: 163-177, September 2008.
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Mark S. Nixon, Shape Classification using Multiscale Fourier-based Description in 2-D Space, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP 2008),pages: 820-823, October 2008.
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Mark S. Nixon, Shape Extraction via Heat Flow Analogy, International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (Acivs 2007), LNCS vol. 4676, pages: 553-564, August 2007.
  • Cem Direkoğlu and Mark S. Nixon. Low Level Moving-Feature Extraction via Heat Flow Analogy, International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2006), LNCS vol. 4291, pages: 243-252, November 2006.
  • Cem Direkoğlu, Hasan Demirel, Hüseyin Özkaramanli and Mustafa Uyguroglu. Efficient Face and Facial Feature Tracking using Search Region Estimation, International Conference of Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2005), LNCS vol. 3656, pages: 1149-1157, September 2005.
  • Turgay Celik, Cem Direkoğlu, Hüseyin Özkaramanli, Hasan Demirel and Mustafa Uyguroglu. Enhanced Facial Feature Extraction using Region-based Super-resolution aided Video Sequences, International Conference of Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR 2005), LNCS vol. 3656, pages:1141-1148, September 2005.
  • Turgay Celik, Cem Direkoğlu, Huseyin Ozkaramanli, Hasan Demirel and Mustafa Uyguroglu. Region-based Super-Resolution Aided Facial Feature Extraction from Low-resolution Video Sequences, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP 2005),vol. 2 pages: 789-792, March 2005.
  • Cem Direkoğlu, Hasan Demirel, Huseyin Ozkaramanli, Mustafa Uyguroglu, and Ahmet M. Kondoz. Scale and Translation Invariant Face Detection and Efficient Facial Feature Extraction, International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, IASTED (SIP'2004),pages: 122-128,August 2004.
  • Suzanne Little, Iveel Jargalsaikhan, Rami Albatal, Cem Direkoglu, Noel O'Connor, Alan F Smeaton, Kathy Clawson, Min Jing, Brian Scotney, Hui Wang, Jun Li, Marcos Nieto, Juan Diego Ortega, Aitor Rodriguez, Inigo Aramburu, Emmanouil Kafetzakis. SAVASA project @ TRECVid 2013: semantic indexing and interactive surveillance event detection. In: Text REtrieval Conference Video (TRECVid) Workshop, November 2013.
  • Jogile Kuklyte, Kevin McGuinness, Ramya Hebbalaguppe, Cem Direkoglu, Leonardo Gualano, Noel E. O'Connor. 14thInternational Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), July 2013. 
  • Suzanne Little, Iveel Jargalsaikhan, Kathy Clawson, Hao Li, Marcos Nieto, Cem Direkoglu, Noel O'Connor, Alan F Smeaton, Aitor Rodriguez, Pedro Sanchez, Karina Villarroel Peniza, Ana Martinez Llorens, Roberto Giménez, Raul Santos de la Camara, Anna Mereu. SAVASA project @ TRECVID 2012: interactive surveillance event detection. In: Text REtrieval Conference Video (TRECVid) Workshop, November 2012.