
Alumni Profiles

Engineering Undergraduate Programs

Alumni Profiles

alumni profile naziha
Abdulrahman Zakrt

Technology and Programming have been my field of interest ever since childhood but my passion towards that enlightened when I designed my first website. After completing my high school studies, I decided to enroll into the computer engineering program in METU NCC, where I managed to learn outstanding work and social skills that still enhance my path into success. What I appreciate most about METU is the friendliness and cooperation of the faculty members that I am intensely grateful for.

alumni profile naziha
Naziha Khalil

I joint the Middle East Technical University in the fall of 2015, I graduated from Computer Engineering Department in the spring of 2019 with a Bachelor in Computer Engineering. It is been four years of great experience despite being very challenging for me as I am an international student living abroad away from family and home. I am grateful that I found myself within a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere/environment in the METU, a home away from home. The technical staff in the Computer Engineering Department were very professional, friendly, and supportive in leading us to high standers of education and learning, always standing behind our back. All that was mentioned made my life enjoyable during the four years of my study. A great appreciation is extended to the administrative staff as they were helpful and warmhearted while working toward our convenience and solving our problems. I choose Computer Engineering as my major as it has been my passion since a young age and because is one of the keys for the industry in the future. Currently, I have joined the Master's program at METU NCC to further my education in my field and to become one step closer to achieving my dreams.

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Abdullah Al-Shihabi

I chose to pursue my education at METU because of the quality of education, the atmosphere within the classrooms and the interpersonal relationships between professors and students. The computer engineering department at METU NCC in particular has this cozy and friendly atmosphere to it that is so hard to find anywhere else. I feel very privileged to have been part of the computer engineering family at METU NCC. During my studies there, I have made lasting friendships and found a great mentor to guide me through my career.

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Abdykerim Erikov

I graduated from METU NCC in 2015, and currently (as of Fall 2016) I am doing my Master's degree at TU Munich, Germany. I believe deciding on obtaining Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering at METU NCC was a right choice. The institution has well-equipped and modern facilities to satisfy all student needs. Computer Engineering is a fascinating major that requires creativity and critical thinking. In comparison to the most of other top universities, the department offers a top quality and up-to-date education in relatively small-sized classes. That way a student has an opportunity to establish a connection with highly qualified professors and academic staff who are easily accessible even outside of class. The curriculum is interesting and broad; a student learns a wide range of fundamental topics in computer engineering. In the last two years of the program one can choose to focus on specific areas in software or hardware. Having studied the first year of my Master's degree, I can confidently say the foundation that I obtained at METU NCC is very solid, and it has prepared me for my further studies and career. I am glad I am a part of METU NCC family.

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Tuğçe Ceren Özer

Computer Science plays vital role in everyday life which is shaping virtually everything from the objects around us to the ways in which we communicate, travel, work, and play. The curriculum and other activities of Computer Engineering in METU NCC reflect this. My name is Tuğçe Ceren ÖZER, a graduate of Computer Engineering, from Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus, class of 2015. I am currently working as an Oracle Software Engineer at Yataş Group. When newly graduates begin working are called as a Junior Developer but it would be unfair to call as Junior Developer for newly graduate from METU NCC CNG Program because METU NCC CNG Program has a fairly high quality education compared to other university according to my experience. If we take into account all of these, this program aims to provide opportunities for students to become aware of computing profession in the context of science, society and technology. Therefore students of the Program get the necessary knowledge and skills in order to be a good engineer and succeed to the next level. Thanks to the curriculum, courses and working one on one with Professors of Computer Engineering Department, I had the opportunity to show what I have learned in working life. For this, I express my gratitude to all professors for their support, help and information. As a member of Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus family and Computer Engineering Alumni, I am sure that the knowledge and the experience I gained from the CNG program will be very helpful in my future studies and the career.

Aral Zaim

Computer Engineering is one of the most challenging and interesting fields, which has a lot of opportunities in the industry and a diverse field of applications. Deciding to study Computer Engineering in Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus was one of the most critical decisions in my life. However, with its prominent success, professors and curriculum, I believe I made great choice. I can say that the curriculum was extended enough to help me getting great opportunities while I was applying for postgraduate study in UK. After graduation, I decided to continue my education at University of Dundee as a master's in Computing student. As I started to study in Dundee and meet with lots of people from different countries, I realized the knowledge and the motivation of learning which were provided to us in Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus was highly enough to collaborate or even compete with others. Without any doubt, I can say I do feel lucky to be part of Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus family and Computer Engineering Alumni.


Seyithan Dağ

"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." said Edsger W. Dijkstra, probably referring to the fact that computer science is heavily about math. This is true but undone, as computer science is also about endless learning and keeping up to date.This is the point where the education I got from Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus comes into play, as METU teaches you how to learn, how to continuously challenge yourself and seek true information-rather than dictating what to learn-, which is the inevitable way leading to wisdom. With this spirit, in order to continue my education, I applied to several universities in United Kingdom and Germany after my graduation, and thanks to our curriculum being on par with what's being taught around the world, I received numerous acceptances. At the end, I chose University of Bonn in Germany for my master's education in computer science, and I am currently in contact with a diversified global technology company for a specific career opportunity. As a happy member of the METU NCC Computer Engineering Alumni and one of the founders of METU Rainbow Organisation/Initiative, I do believe that in the light of the essence of METU, free thought and science we, Metuans, will be able to make the world a better and an equal place for everyone.


Başar Hamdi Onat

Computer Engineering is one of the most important majors of this century as computers have become a large part of our lives, and I was fortunate enough to study Computer Engineering at METU NCC. I graduated from Computer Engineering Department of METU NCC in 2010 and with all the recommendations and knowledge that I got from my professors , I have started my masters degree in Computer Science at the University of San Francisco. The education that this university offered made me an experienced and well educated engineer, and also helped me greatly on both technical and social aspects while I am having my masters degree in USA. The labs that this university offers have new equipments and is advanced in many aspects than other universities in Turkiye which kept me up-to-date with the latest advances in technology. The last important thing about METU NCC is that to have a chance to study under valuable instructors in various fields and ask any question to the instructors one-on-one. Studying at METU NCC is one of the best choices that I made, and I am really happy to be a part of the METU family.


Zeynep Uyar

After graduating from computer engineering at METU NCC, I started doing a master on economics at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Thanks to the undergraduate courses that I took, I had the opportunity to discover my interests since METU NCC helped me to find out other attractive choices. I was also lucky because I had the opportunity to take courses from the professors that are pioneers of their fields. During my undergraduate study, I found the chance to make discussions with my professors whenever I need. Without hesitation, I can say that I am so happy to be a part of this family. With METU NCC, I started a journey full of joy and success.  



Berkay Elbir

I graduated from Computer Engineering Department of METU NCC in 2010. Currently, I am working as a software development specialist in Karton Defence Aerospace and Simulation Technologies Inc. which is one of the leading Koç Information Technology Groups. You may have some doubts before making your preference like different a life style, a different country however in METU NCC you will obtain a very strong technical knowledge and skills. You will have the opportunity to take courses from the professors that are very experienced in their fields. During your undergraduate study,you will have the chance to make discussions with your professors whenever you need. The benefits of the homeworks, projects done during the undergraduate study are understood when you start your job life. After you graduate, during your job application period, you will understand the value of education taken in METU NCC and this will distinguish you from other applicants.


Rafet Şifa

"Computer engineering is the main subject of this century and studying this main subject at METU NCC is a great privilege. I have realized this especially when we started to cover computer science and engineering related subjects. The quality of the education here is undisputable. All the courses here are based on equal mixture of both theory and practice. Most importantly, you have the chance to communicate with the instructors directly. I think one of the most reasonable things that I have done in life is to choose METU NCC. Studying here is really cool."