2016-2017 2016 19-10-2016 "Kıbrıs'ta Statü Kavgası ve Etnik Çatışma", Niyazi Kızılyürek, University of Cyprus. 26-10-2016 "Outward Foreign Direct Investment from Turkey: Dimensions, evolution and country selection”, Yılmaz Kılıçaslan, Anadolu University, Eskişehir. 2-11-2016 “BİLİM, BİLİM POLİTİKASI VE TÜRKİYE'DE POLİTİKA, Bir Ömür Boyu Uğraşı. Elde Ne Kaldı?”, Ergün Türkcan, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Ankara Üniversitesi. 9-11-2016 “The impact of R&D and knowledge diffusion on the productivity of manufacturing firms ın Turkey”, Teoman Pamukçu, METU-Ankara. 16-11-2016 “ABD Başkanlık Seçimi ve ABD’nin Kıbrıs Politikaları”, İlksoy Aslım, Lefke European University. 23-11-2016 “The labour market in the Republic of Cyprus during the crisis” Gregoris İoannou, University of Cyprus. 30-11-2016 "Business Organization and Commercial Activity in Turkey between 1923 and 1950: Alternatıve Sources and Preliminary Fındıngs", Seven Ağır, METU-Ankara. 7-12-2016 "Economics in the Making of Federal Cyprus" Fikri Toros, President, Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce. 14-12-2016 “A critical analysis of employment relations in Cyprus in advance of a resolution period". Burçak Özoğlu, METU – NCC 2017 21-02-2017 “Türkiye’de Halkoylamasına Sunulan Anayasa Değişikliği Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme” Necmi Yüzbaşıoğlu, Galatasaray University 22-02-2017 “II. Küreselleşme Döneminin Sonu” Vedat Özdan, BloombergHT TV (Günden Kalanlar) 1-3-2017 “The strange return of authoritarianism in Turkey” Yonca Özdemir, METU – NCC 8-3-2017 “Water Embedded in Turkey’s Agricultural Trade Flows”, Elif Akbostancı, METU - Ankara 15-3-2017 “Capitalism, Jacobinism and International Relations: Re-interpreting the Ottoman Path to Modernity” Eren Düzgün, University of Kyrenia. 22-3-2017 “Forms of Capital Underpinning Entrepreneurial Activity: The Case of Kurdish and Turkish Habitüs in Small Business Ownership in London”, Olgu Karan, Başkent University, Ankara 29-3-2017 “From Aşçıbaşı to Chef: The Changing Nature of Culinary Work in Contemporary Istanbul” Zafer Yenal, Boğaziçi University. 5-4-2017 “Calculating the Costs of Conflict” Ron Smith, Birkbeck, University of London. 7-4-2017 “Uluslararası Hukukta Devlet Tanıması ve KKTC” (State Description in International Law and TRNC) Ceren Zeynep Pirim, Bahçeşehir University. 12-4-2017 “ABD ve Türkiye’de Merkez Bankacılığı”, (Central Banking in USA and Turkey) Ali Bilge, İktisat İşletme ve Finans Dergisi. 19-4-201 “Bu gün itibarıyle Kıbrıs sorununa kapsamlı çözüm arayışı hangi noktadadır” (As of today, where is the search for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem) Av. Emine Çolak, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Northern Cyprus. 26-4-2017 “Right to education and literacy in bilingual immigrant communities: A psycholinguistic profile of Turkish-English speaking children in the UK” Ilhan Raman, Middlesex University, London. 3-5-2017 “The Geopolitics of Maritime Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean” Costas M. Constantinou, University of Cyprus. 10-5-2017 “Institutional Environment, Economic Performance and Innovation ın Turkey” Erkan Erdil, M. Teoman Pamukçu and Gülşah Gülen, METU-Ankara 17-5-2017 “The Transformation of Expropriation: The Development of Expropriation on Behalf of Private Benefit in Turkey” Ali Somel, 19 Mayis University, Samsun. 24-5-2017 “The Tales of Three Crises (1994; 2001; 2008/09): Lessons for Understanding Current Developments in the Turkish Economy” Hasan Cömert, METU-Ankara. 31-5-2017 “Satisfaction with democracy in Latin America: do the characteristics of the political system matter?” Selim Jurgen Ergun, METU – NCC.