Ders Tanımları DERSLER GPC 100 First Year on Campus Seminar (0-2) 1 GPC 122 Developmental Psychology (3-0) 3 GPC 124 Introduction to Guidance and Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 126 Physiological Psychology (3-0) 3 GPC 136 Human Relations in Education(3-0) 3 GPC 150 Psychology of Learning (3-0) 3 GPC 200 Observation in Schools (2-2) 3 GPC 253 Psychology of Adolescence (3-0) 3 GPC 254 Social Psychology (3-0) 3 GPC 300 Career Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 301 Practicum in Career Counseling (1-4) 3 GPC 310 Developing Skills for Peer Helping (2-2) 4 GPC 313 Theories of Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 314 Methods and Techniques of Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 320 Seminar on Happiness and Well-Being (3-0) 3 GPC 355 Special Education (3-0) 3 GPC 363 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 364 Appraisal of Students (3-0) 3 GPC 400 Field Practice in School Counseling Services (1-4) 3 GPC 410 Field Practice in Individual Counseling (1-4) 3 GPC 411 Community Work (1-2) 2 GPC 415 Behavior Disorders (3-0) 3 GPC 437 Group Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 438 Practicum in Group Counseling (2-4) 4 GPC 437 Group Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 490 Professional Standards and Problems in Guidance and Counseling (3-0) 3 GPC 495 Seminar in Guidance and Counseling (2-2) 3