

Economics and Administrative Sciences Undergraduate Programs

Structure of the Program

Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) Program lasts four years. All of the courses in first and second year are composed of must courses. The third year's courses are made of a combination of must and elective courses and the fourth-year courses are elective courses. The content of the courses are listed below (You can reach to the course program and/or website by clicking on the course names written in bold)


Click on the course code to see its Course description.

First Semester
PSIR 101 Introduction to Sociology and Politics (3-0) 3
PSIR 105 Modern World History (3-0) 3
PSIR 111 Study Skills in Social and Political Sciences (3-0) 3
ECO 101 Microeconomics (4-0) 4
ENGL 101 Development of English Reading and Writing (4-0) 4
TUR 101 Turkish I * (2-0) NC
Second Semester
PSIR 108 Issues in Global Politics (3-0) 3
BUS 100 Career Planning (1-0) 0
PSIR 110 International History, 1914-1989 (3-0) 3
PSIR 112 Statistics for Political Scientists (3-0) 3
ECO 102 Macroeconomics (4-0) 4
CNG 100 Introduction to IT & Applications (2-0) NC
ENGL 102 Development of English Reading and Writing II (4-0) 4
TUR 102 Turkish II * (2-0) NC
Third Semester
PSIR 203 History of Political Thought I (3-0) 3
PSIR 212 Comparative Politics (3-0) 3
PSIR 218 Political Sociology (3-0) 3
PSIR 237 Principles of Law (3-0) 3
ENGL 211 Academic Oral and Presentation Skills (3-0) 3
HST 201 Principles of Kemal Atatürk I * (2-0) NC
Fourth Semester
PSIR 202 Constitutional Law (3-0) 3
PSIR 206 History of Political Thought II (3-0) 3
PSIR 210 Theories of International Relations (3-0) 3
PSIR 211 Comparative Government (3-0) 3
PSIR 214 War and Peace Studies (3-0) 3
HST 202 Principles of Kemal Atatürk II * (2-0) NC
Fifth Semester
PSIR 303 Public International Law (3-0) 3
ENGL 311 Advanced Communication Skills (3-0) 3
E Elective 1 (3-0) 3
E Elective 2 (3-0) 3
E Elective 3 (3-0) 3
Sixth Semester
PSIR 304 International Organizations (3-0) 3
PSIR 309 Research Methods for Political Science (3-0) 3
E Elective 4 (3-0) 3
E Elective 5 (3-0) 3
E Elective 6 (3-0) 3
Seventh Semester
E Elective 7 (3-0) 3
E Elective 8 (3-0) 3
E Elective 9 (3-0) 3
E Elective 10 (3-0) 3
E Elective 11 (3-0) 3
Eighth Semester
E Elective 12 (3-0) 3
E Elective 13 (3-0) 3
E Elective 14 (3-0) 3
E Elective 15 (3-0) 3
E Elective 16 (3-0) 3

Organisation of the program

      The PSIR program is organized around three types of courses:
      • Core or compulsory ('must') courses: all PSIR students must take these courses,
      • Elective courses: all PSIR students take a number of electives from a range of options,
      • Exchange courses: some students who study abroad or on exchange programs are exempted from courses taken at other institutions or transfer their credits back to METU NCC.

'Irregular' students should consult with their student advisor and exchange students should consult with the program co-ordinator regarding exemptions, variations to prerequisites, and transfer of credits, or any other individual circumstances. Some courses, both core and elective, are provided by programs other than PSIR.

From 2023-2024 academic year onwards the status of the following courses will change from “must” to “elective”:

  • PSIR 305 International Political Economy
  • PSIR 400 Graduation Project
  • PSIR 401 Contemporary Political Theory
  • PSIR 403 Contemporary Issues in Global Political Economy
  • PSIR 404 Contemporary Issues in War and Peace

Students who have not taken these courses or who took them and failed are going to take them as electives. Students who took these courses as must courses and passed them will take them as PSIR electives.


Core courses, elective courses and course choice

In order to graduate, students must take a minimum of 46 credit courses : 30 core ('must') courses and 16 elective courses.

      • All PSIR credit courses are 3-credit courses. (Some courses provided by other programs are 4 credit courses)
      • All students must complete all core courses (compulsory).
      • All first level courses are to be core courses.
      • All second level courses are to be core courses.
      • Third and fourth level courses must be taken according to the following rule :

                                        In addition to compulsory courses, students must take at least ten of their elective courses from the PSIR list. Of the remaining non-PSIR portion, a maximum of six courses may be taken from any other program.



      Students may select electives, in accordance with the rules above, from a list of elective courses which will be published each year. The range of PSIR electives hitherto offered in the program has included the following:
      PSIR 305 International Political Economy
      PSIR 306 Processes of European Integration
      PSIR 308 Gender and Politics
      PSIR 311 Nations and Nationalism
      PSIR 314 Political Economy of Turkiye
      PSIR 316 Understanding Capitalism
      PSIR 320 International Human Rights
      PSIR 322 History of the Cyprus Conflict
      PSIR 323 Political Psychology
      PSIR 333 States and Societies in Central Asia
      PSIR 340 Politics in International Migration
      PSIR 341 Contemporary Social Theory
      PSIR 343 International Development
      PSIR 345 Turkish Foreign Policy
      PSIR 348 Public Opinion & International Relations
      PSIR 381 Development and the Developing World
      PSIR 400 Graduation Project
      PSIR 401 Contemporary Political Theory
      PSIR 403 Contemporary Issues in Global Political Economy
      PSIR 404 Contemporary Issues in War and Peace
      PSIR 409 Political and Economic Rise of China
      PSIR 413 Comparative Political Cultures: Greece, Turkiye, Cyprus
      PSIR 415 Political Economy of Environment and Energy
      PSIR 416 Terrorism and Global Society
      PSIR 418 International Humanitarian Law
      PSIR 420 Politics and Society in Turkiye
      PSIR 421 Transitional Justice
      PSIR 423 Historical Sociology and International Relations
      PSIR 424 Theories of Diplomacy
      PSIR 425 Ethics and International Relations
      PSIR 427 Approaches to State-Society Relations
      PSIR 428 Politics of Literature
      PSIR 429 International Politics of Oil
      PSIR 430 Imperialism & Making of the Modern Middle East
      PSIR 431 Law and Institutions of the European Union
      PSIR 451 Theories of Democracy
      PSIR 454 Ottoman Diplomacy and the European States System
      PSIR 455 European Foreign Policy Studies
      PSIR 463 Russian Foreign Policy
      PSIR 470 Turkiye and the EC/EU
      PSIR 472 Politics of Art and Visual Culture
      PSIR 559 Politics and Society in Latin America
      PSIR 4155 Locating Europe in a Globalised World