Student Profiles
Şeniz Kamalı
I am a third year student in Political Science and International Relations programme in METU NCC. I am from Cyprus. As a witness of Northern Cyprus' problems in achieving development in political, social and economic aspects, I chose this programme because only with this programme's courses can I understand the reasons for this under-development clearly. Also in the future, after my graduation, I aim to provide some solutions to these problems as a part of my country's political staff. This is the main reason for me studying PSIR at METU NCC.
In addition to that, also the content of this programme provides us information about global issues such as global environment, poverty and civil wars and also information about the political, social and economic conditions of countries, all of which is very important for understanding the world.
Studying in this programme is very instructive. You can obtain information not only from your compulsory courses but also you can gain knowledge about the everything that affects people in the world. In other words, I mean when you are studying in this programme, you not only focus on your course subjects but with programme's seminars and discussions, and you can learn new things or gain chances to correct your mistakes with discussions. In addition to that, this programme teaches us to examine and investigate. So as a result, you both become educated and cultured person. As the time passes, my education experiences in this university showed me that my decision to chose METU NCC for this programme was the right one.
Özge Bilici
I am third year student in Political Science and International Relations program in METU NCC. I am from Kusadasi. I chose this program because it provides a lot of future prospects. I also think that this program can contribute to my social skills. For our program in this school I can say that it is the best founded program in terms of lectures and faculty staff. Moreover, we have more chance to make interactions with our faculty staff compared to other universities. And it is not only about the courses we can also discuss a lot of things. There is no need to say about quality of education in here. I am very glad to be in this department since it provides me a more critical thinking and I can look at the issues from very different perspectives. Although being in Cyprus has negative sides it is worth to be in METU NCC especially in this department.
Gizem Sözkesen
My name is Gizem Sözkesen and I am studying Political Science and International Relations. Imagine a land which is trapped between being and not being. A land, even its existence has not been recognized, remained in uncertainty. It is a land in which nothing is presented to you as ready so it brings along huge experiments and sharings that you can not obtain from anywhere else. So, studying Political Science and International Relations in northern Cyprus first reminds one the existence of possibility to change. It indicates that the rules can be changed as well as they being set. It teaches us that the way for development and progress gets through questioning and, if required, rising against, instead of accepting. Rather than being able to answer, right or wrong, it shows only to ask good questions. By going beyond the limits, it calls for the necessity to create an alternative world and provides you to notice the potential in yourself. Regardless of how much you try, learn or understand, it teaches you that eventually the only thing that you know is in fact nothing. As I mentioned, studying here actually seems like to live beyond the limits.
Rauf Aşkın Aygan
I am an undergraduate student in a Political Science and International Relations department at METU NCC. I wanted to be student in Political Science and International Relations department. Since, I did not want to be a simple one. METU NCC is the best way to get educated in Political Science and International Relations department, and has lots of opportunities. Education language, library, electronic resources, direct contact with instructors are key factor for me to choose Political Science and International Relations department. English language is the best for Political Science and International Relations students, as they can reach any sources from all over the world. Library provides you to reach so many electronic databases about anything. Direct contact with instructors is absolute advantage for METU NCC students, as office hours and direct contact with instructors are so effective. Another opportunity of being a member of METU NCC is its climate. It is always sunny and warm. Social facilities and sport centers are very attractive for everyone. These facilities have helped me to choose Political Science and International Relations department at METU NCC. Being a member of Political Science and International Relations department is privilege for me. I think being student in Political Science and International Relations department gives me lots of opportunity for my future that makes me feel good.