
Conduct Research at Campus

Conduct Research at Campus

Conduct Research at Campus

Researchers who intend to conduct a research at Campus are required to fill in Application to Conduct Research at METU NCC Form / Araştırma İzin Formu and submit it directly to Office of Research Coordination and Support, initially. Following approval of this form by Vice President, applicant should apply for approval of Human Subject Ethics Committee if necessary (depending on the content of study), because of studies that involve collecting data from human participants like survey, interview, voice/video recording, observation, physical/neurological testing, etc. are subject to the approval of HSEC, additionally.

Application to Conduct Research at METU NCC Form / Arastirma Izin Formu is required to be submitted at least 45 days before commencement date of the study. All approvals should have been completed before commencement.

At the end of the study, findings should be submitted to the Office of Research Coordination and Support electronically.

Please look at ETHICAL RULES / Regulation Concerning Human Subjects for details of the application (please login intranet and click under Archives>Rules & Regualtions link).