Execution of the METU School of Foreign Languages Department of Basic English Regulation at the Northern Cyprus Campus School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program
The Turkish version is binding.
Aim, Scope, Basis, and Definitions of Terms
ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to set forth the principles and procedures governing the English language education available to students whose English proficiency is assessed as below the required standard for direct entry into their chosen undergraduate programs at Middle East Technical University.
ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding the English Preparatory Program courses offered to students at the School of Foreign Languages, Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus.
ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Regulation has been drawn up based on Articles 14 and 49 of the Higher Education Act No. 2547 dated November 4, 1981.
Definitions of Terms
ARTICLE 4 – (1) Wherever the following terms appear in this document, they shall be taken to refer to:
a) Academic Calendar: A schedule that outlines the key dates and deadlines for registration, classes, the English Proficiency Exam (EPE), and other related activities within an academic year,
b) Pending Status: The status assigned to preparatory class students who lose eligibility to proceed to their departments due to absenteeism or academic failure, which remains effective until the end of their maximum period of study,
c) Online Learning (e-Learning): Online learning activities conducted through advanced information and communication technologies,
d) Academic Year: Two semesters, each consisting of at least sixteen weeks,
e) EPE: English Proficiency Exam conducted by the Middle East Technical University School of Foreign Languages,
f) Campus Rectorate: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus Rectorate,
g) Undergraduate Program: A higher education program comprising at least eight semesters,
h) METU NCC: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus,
i) RO: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus Registrar’s Office,
j) ÖSYM: Presidency of Measurement, Selection and Placement Center,
k) Rector: Rector of the Middle East Technical University,
l) Rectorate: Middle East Technical University Rectorate,
m) Senate: Middle East Technical University Senate,
n) Level: The level assigned to students in the English Preparatory Program of the School of Foreign Languages, based on the result of their placement exam,
o) Placement Exam (SBS): The exam used to assess the English proficiency of students enrolling in the English Preparatory Program of the School of Foreign Languages,
p) University (METU): Middle East Technical University,
q) SFL: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus School of Foreign Languages,
r) SFL Academic Board: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus School of Foreign Languages Academic Board,
s) SFL English Preparatory Program: Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program,
t) YDYO: Middle East Technical University School of Foreign Languages,
u) YAG: Yearly Achievement Grade
Provisions on the Education Provided by the SFL English Preparatory Program
Academic Boards
ARTICLE 5 – (1) The SFL Academic Board is composed of five faculty members, including the Director of the SFL, the Coordinator of the English Preparatory Program, the Coordinator of the Modern Languages Program, and two instructors, one from the English Preparatory Program and the other from the Modern Languages Program, elected for a three-year term by the full-time SFL instructors. These two instructors must fulfil the requirements set by the Campus Rectorate. The Board is chaired by the Director of the SFL.
Medium of instruction and English Proficiency Exam
ARTICLE 6 – (1) English is the medium of instruction at METU. The English proficiency of students newly admitted to undergraduate programs is assessed through the English Proficiency Exam (EPE), which is prepared by the METU SFL and conducted by the METU NCC SFL. The minimum EPE score for exemption from the Preparatory Class for undergraduate students is 59,50/100. Students who pass the EPE are eligible to enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to. Those with scores of 59,49 or below are required to attend the SFL English Preparatory Program with the level of instruction based on their proficiency. Variations in the EPE passing score across undergraduate programs are indicated in the EPE equivalency table set by the University Senate. The details regarding the EPE conducted during the relevant academic year are as follows:
a) EPE I: This is the English proficiency exam conducted at the beginning of each academic year. Students newly enrolled at METU NCC, students repeating a year, and those in ‘Pending’ status can take this exam. Students who wish to be exempt from the SFL English Preparatory Program and to start their undergraduate studies but who fail to provide evidence of English language proficiency through one of the exams listed in the EPP equivalency table specified by the Senate must take and pass this exam.
b) EPE II: This is the English proficiency exam conducted at the end of the fall semester of each academic year. Students who are enrolled in the intermediate or advanced levels of the SFL English Preparatory Program during the fall semester, who fulfil the attendance requirements, and who obtain the required fall semester achievement grade as defined in the SFL Rules and Regulations are eligible to take this exam.
c) EPE III: This is the English proficiency exam conducted at the end of the spring semester of each academic year. Students who are enrolled in courses with the codes 12, 22, 31, or 32 at the SFL English Preparatory Program during the spring semester, who fulfil the attendance requirements, and who achieve a grade between 64,50 and 100 (a final letter grade of EE) are eligible to take this exam.
d) EPE IV: This is the English Proficiency exam conducted at the end of the summer school of each academic year. Students who are enrolled in summer school and fulfil the attendance requirements are eligible to take this exam.
e) The METU SFL Academic Boardmakes the decision on the number of EPEs to be conducted in an academic year.
(2) Students who pass the EPE may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to.
(3) Students who do not take the EPE for any reason will not be offered a make-up exam.
(4) Appeals relating to the results of the EPE can be forwarded to the SFL within three working days of the announcement of the exam results. The outcomes of these appeals are announced by the SFL within five working days after the objection period ends.
(5) Students who pass an exam listed in the EPE equivalency table specified by the Senate and who are newly enrolled at METU NCC can submit documentation of their exam results to the Registrar’s Office by the last day of the course add/drop period for the relevant semester. No documents will be accepted after the submission deadline. Those whose documents are approved are able to enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to.
(6) Students who pass an exam listed in the EPE equivalency table specified by the Senate and who are enrolled in the SFL English Preparatory program can submit their exam result documents to the Registrar’s Office by the last day of the course add/drop period for the relevant semester. No documents will be accepted after the submission deadline. Those whose documents are approved are able to enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to.
(7) The validity period for the scores from the EPE and any of the exams specified in the EPP equivalency table is two years from the date the exam is taken.
(8) The SFL Academic Board evaluates the English language proficiency of students who are citizens of countries where English is the official native language, as well as those who have completed their secondary education in such countries, attending institutions where citizens of those countries study for at least the past three years. Students deemed eligible by the SFL Academic Board are registered in the undergraduate programs by the Registrar’s Office.
(9) Students who hold an undergraduate degree from other universities and are attending the METU NCC SFL English Preparatory Program to pursue a second undergraduate degree are eligible to take the EPE administered for graduate program applications. Once they pass the EPE, they can submit their exam result documentation to the Registrar’s Office between the last day of spring semester classes and the last day of the course add/drop period for the fall semester at the SFL English Preparatory Program. Once their documents are approved, they can register for their undergraduate/graduate programs. Documents not submitted within the specified time frame will not be accepted.
(10) Students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program at METU NCC and who are placed in an undergraduate degree program at METU NCC by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) will be exempt from the English Preparatory Program upon applying to the Registrar’s Office.
Placement Exam
ARTICLE 7 – (1) The group level at which students will study in the SFL English Preparatory Program is determined based on the scores they achieve in the EPE and/or Placement Exam. The Placement Exam may also be conducted online, as per the decision of the SFL Academic Board. The weekly contact hours for each group and the group-switching rules are set by the SFL Department of Basic English at the beginning of each academic year. The SFL Academic Board reserves the right to adjust the course hours if deemed necessary.
Duration of education and requirements
ARTICLE 8 – (1) For the SFL English Preparatory Program, the minimumperiod of study is one academic year (two semesters), while the maximum period of study is two academic years (four semesters).
(2) Students who fulfil the required conditions by the end of the fall semester, qualify for EPE II and subsequently pass this exam may enrol in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to in the following spring semester.
(3) Students admitted to an undergraduate program at METU NCC for the second time are granted the right to study in the SFL English Preparatory Program for a maximum of one academic year (two semesters).
Registration Procedures for the SFL English Preparatory Program
ARTICLE 9 – (1) The registration of students in the SFL English Preparatory Program is conducted by the Registrar’s Office on the dates specified in the academic calendar, as announced on the official METU NCC website.
(2) Students who are admitted to METU NCC through exams conducted by ÖSYM or equivalent examsbut fail to fulfil the announced registration requirements will lose their registration status and will not be entitled to the rights granted to registered students.
(3) Students who fail to fulfil the registration requirements, despite having the right to register for the second academic year in the SFL English Preparatory Program, will forfeit their right to continue in the preparatory class. Their student status will be changed to ‘Pending’ until the end of the maximum period of study. Students who fail to prove their English language proficiency by the end of the maximum period of study are dismissed from the University. They will forfeit all student rights, including registration, exams, and other related privileges. The only exam available to students in this category is EPE I, which is conducted in the year they are deemed unregistered and the subsequent year, prior to the start of the fall semester. To take this exam, students must pay the exam application fee.
(4) Students who fail to complete their registration for the relevant academic year must apply to the SFL for enrollment by the end of the course add-drop period in the fall semester of that academic year. Their application must include reasons and supporting documentation. Those whose justification is approved by the SFL Academic Board and who meet the registration requirements will have their semester registration renewed by the Registrar’s Office.
ARTICLE 10 – (1) Attendance to courses is compulsory in the SFL English Preparatory Program.
(2) Students must attend classes in their assigned group at a rate specified by the SFL Academic Board, which shall not be less than 80% of the class hours.
(3) No excuses will be accepted, except for those documented through medical reports in accordance with the Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus Regulation Governing Health Services and Medical Reports or for specific cases approved by the SFL Academic Board.
(4) The duration of daily or short-term medical reports, except for the committee reports obtained by students in the SFL English Preparatory Program, cannot exceed 15% of the total class hours the student is enrolled in during a semester.
(5) Students who exceed the attendance limit set by the SFL Academic Board will lose their right to attend the preparatory program. Their student status will be changed to 'Pending' until the end of the maximum period of study.
Assessment and grades
ARTICLE 11 – (1) Students will be assigned a letter grade at the end of both the fall and spring semesters of the academic year for which they are enrolled. Letter grades will indicate whether the student qualifies for the EPE at the end of the semester or whether s/he is eligible to continue in the SFL English Preparatory Program for the subsequent academic year.
(2) The letter grade is assigned by the SFL English Preparatory Program.
(3) When determining the letter grade, the student's class attendance, performance on midterms, and in-year coursework are all taken into account.
(4) Based on their end-of-year status, students actively enrolled in the preparatory class will receive the following letter grades:
a) SS: For students who will attend the courses with codes 12, 22, 31, and 32 in the spring semester.
b) SP: For students who are registered in the courses with codes 31 and 32 and have achieved the semester achievement grade defined in the SFL Rules and Regulations, qualifying them for EPE II.
c) EE (YAG: 64,5-100): For students eligible to take EPE III at the end of the spring semester.
d) PE (YAG: 49,5-64,49): For students eligible for summer school and eligible to take EPE IV.
e) FU (YAG: 00,00-49,49): For students eligible to take EPE I in the subsequent academic year.
f) NA: For students who fail to fulfil the attendance requirements.
(5) In the calculation of the final grade for EPE II and EPE III, the Yearly Achievement Grade (YAG) is added to the scores of EPE II and EPE III. The distribution of YAG and EPE percentages across different English proficiency levels will be determined by the SFL Academic Board.
Academic success, failure, and summer school
ARTICLE 12 – (1) The principles regarding success, failure, attendance requirements, and summer school are established by the SFL Academic Board and announced on the SFL website at the beginning of each academic year. The academic success of students in the SFL English Preparatory Program is assessed through the EPE, which is administered at the end of the academic year. The eligibility requirements for taking the EPE are determined by the SFL Academic Board.
(2) Students enrolled in the EPP courses are assigned grades of SS or SP at the end of the fall semester and grades of EE, PE, or FU at the end of the spring semester. Based on this, the EPE eligibility for students who are actively enrolled in the SFL English Preparatory Program is outlined as follows:
a) Students who receive an SP grade at the end of the fall semester are granted the right to take EPE II. Those who pass may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to for the subsequent spring semester, while those who fail may enroll in courses at the next level of the program they attend.
b) Students who fulfil the attendance requirements and achieve a final grade of EE at the end of the spring semester are eligible to take EPE III. Those who pass may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to. Students who have a final grade of FU, NA, or PE for the academic year will not be eligible for EPE III.
c) Students who fulfil the registration and attendance requirements by the end of the academic year and earn an EE grade but fail EPE III, and those who have a final grade of PE may enroll in summer school provided they pay the student contribution fee and tuition fee. Students who fulfil the registration and attendance requirements for summer school will be eligible to take EPE IV. Those who pass may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to, while those who fail may register for the subsequent academic year within their maximum periods of study.
d) Students who receive a final grade of EE at the end of the academic year but fail both EPE III and EPE IV, as well as students who have FU or NA grades and those in ‘Pending’ status, will be eligible to take EPE I in the subsequent academic year. Those who pass may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to, while those who fail may register for the next academic year within their maximum periods of study. Students who receive a final grade of FU at the end of the academic year may take EPE I, administered at the beginning of the subsequent academic year, without the need to apply for the exam. Those who pass may enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to, while those who fail may register for the next academic year within their maximum periods of study.
e) Students who fail EPE I or cannot certify their English language proficiency through a Senate-approved language exam will be dismissed from the University at the end of the maximum period of study, as per Law No. 2547. These students are granted the right to take only EPE I once per year within four years following their first academic year and within three years following their retake year. To take these exams, students must register for the desired exam by the specified deadline and pay the application fee. The student rights and privileges of the University will not be available to students taking these exams. Those who pass or provide documentation of their English language proficiency may enroll in the undergraduate programs.
f) Students who fail to fulfil the attendance requirements will receive an NA grade. These students are granted the right to take EPE I, administered at the beginning of the subsequent academic year, without the need for an application. Students who pass EPE I are entitled to enroll in the undergraduate programs. Those who fail EPE I will have their status changed to ‘Pending’ until the end of the maximum period of study. They will not be able to attend the preparatory program for an additional academic year and will not be entitled to student rights. However, they may take EPE I at the beginning of the subsequent academic year, provided they complete the necessary registration and pay the application fee. Failure to pass the EPE I or provide evidence of English language proficiency through one of the language exams approved by the Senate will result in the student's dismissal from the University at the end of the maximum period of study, as per Law No. 2547.
(3) Students who are entitled to study for an additional academic year in the preparatory class must pay the student contribution and tuition fees within the period specified at the beginning of the semester; otherwise, they will be considered unenrolled. Such students will not be eligible to take EPE III, administered at the end of the academic year, or attend the relevant year’s summer school. They must register for EPE I, administered at the beginning of the following academic year, by the announced date and pay the application fee. Students who pass the exam or provide evidence of their English language proficiency will be eligible to enroll in the undergraduate program they have gained admission to. Those who fail will have their status changed to ‘Pending’ until the end of the maximum period of study. Failure to pass the EPE or provide evidence of English language proficiency through one of the language exams approved by the Senate will result in the student's dismissal from the University at the end of the maximum period of study, as per Law No. 2547.
Leave of Absence
ARTICLE 13 – (1) Students may be granted a leave of absence for up to one academic year based on the decision of the SFL Academic Board. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended for an additional academic year, as per the decision of the SFL Academic Board. Since the SFL English Preparatory Program spans a full academic year, students are not granted leave for a single semester.
(2) Students may be granted a leave of absence for the following reasons:
a) Health issues
b) Military service
c) Financial and family-related issues
d) Studying abroad
e) Improving English language skills using own resources
f) Natural disasters
g) Epidemics
(3) Students who wish to take a leave of absence must submit a petition to the SFL Academic Board, along with the necessary supporting documentation and a justification for the request, no later than the last day of the add-drop period in the relevant semester. In cases of unforeseen circumstances, however, there is no specified deadline for submission.
(4) The SFL Academic Board reviews the leave requests of students.
(5) The SFL Academic Board communicates its decision to the Registrar’s Office, where it is processed accordingly.
(6) The time spent on leave is not counted toward the total duration of study.
(7) Students whose leave periods have ended may reregister for the SFL English Preparatory Program for the following academic year. They may enroll in the undergraduate program to which they have been admitted if they achieve a valid score in EPE I, administered at the beginning of the academic year, or in exams recognized as equivalent by the Senate.
(8) Requests for short-term leave due to the following reasons will be reviewed based on the decision of the SFL Academic Board, provided the request is supported by documentation:
a) Short-term medical examination
b) Social and sports activities approved by the Rector's Office
c) Paid military service
d) Events related to projects coordinated by national agencies, foreign governments, and the Council of Higher Education
e) Death of a close relative
f) Chronic illnesses requiring regular health check-ups
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Transferring to Turkish-medium institutions of higher education
ARTICLE 14 – (1) The transfer of students from the SFL English Preparatory Program to Turkish-medium institutions is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set by the Council of Higher Education.
Northern Cyprus Campus
ARTICLE 15 – (1) The procedures and principles regarding the execution of this Regulation in the School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program at METU Northern Cyprus Campus are established by the Senate.
Situations not covered
ARTICLE 16 – (1) For situations where an applicable provision is non-existent in this Regulation, the regulations, directives, and other legislative provisions of Middle East Technical University, as well as the decisions of the University Senate, shall apply.
Invalidated regulation
ARTICLE 17 – (1) The Middle East Technical University School of Foreign Languages, Department of Basic English Regulation, published in Official Gazette No. 31879 dated June 27, 2022, has been revoked.
ARTICLE 18 – (1) This Regulation shall come into force on the date of its publication and shall be effective from the beginning of the academic year 2024-2025.
ARTICLE 19 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of the Middle East Technical University.