Payment Details
- Interactive course registrations will be opened when the relevant tuition fee payment is completed.
- The registration system will be opened when the tuition fee is completed. If you have an incomplete payment or if your payment is not reflected in our accounts, the course registration system will not be able to be opened.
- Payments can be made between 25 June and 09 July 2024 for undergraduate and graduate program students.
- The OPAY system will be open until 09 July 2024 for payments to be made via by credit card.
- The tuition fee for METU NCC students, who pay their tuition fees in USD, has been determined as 130 USD per credit, including VAT, to be paid for the courses to be opened in the METU NCC. The total number of credits for the courses to be taken must be calculated and paid for by the student.
- Payments for Summer School courses can be made in cash at Türkiye İş Bankası. The following account details should be used for cash payments to be made via TRNC or TR. It's like the one below. Please find below the information required for the payment (to pay from TRNC or Turkiye).
Türkiye İş Bankası:
- For transactions to be made from the Branch: Invoices --> Corporate Debt Query and Payment --> University Payments Invoice (METU) --> Student Number
- For transactions to be made via İşCep: Main Menu --> Education Payments --> University Payments/Private School Payments --> Institution Name: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi-ODTÜ --> Enter Your Student Number
Garanti Bankası: Kurum Kodu: 47
Payments by Credit Cards: Tuition fee payments can be done via credit card by using our online payment system (please see the link below)
- In order to make cash transactions at Türkiye İş Bankası, the following information must be provided to the bank staff and payments must be made with the student number. The payment must be made by the student according to the number of credits to be taken.
- Students who pay their tuition fees in cash should send copies of their payment receipts to nccreg ().
- The system will be open until 11.59 p.m. on 9 July for payments to be made by credit card through the OPAY system.
- The tuition fee per credit for the courses that METU NCC students take at the Ankara Campus is shown in the table below. Payment for Ankara Campus courses must also be made as indicated above
Faculty/Graduate School |
Course Fee per Credit |
Architecture, Engineering |
100 USD |
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science |
77 USD |
Arts and Science (Science Prog.) |
77 USD |
Faculty of Arts and Science (Arts Prog.) |
77 USD |
Education |
35 USD |
Free MAT 120 Application:
METU NCC students who have taken MAT 100 for the first time in the Fall Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year and received a passing grade and who have taken MAT 119 in the Spring Semester of the 2023-2024 Academic Year can take MAT 120 free of charge at METU NCC in the summer school. Students in this situation are required to fill out the Student Petition Form on the Intranet by 9 July 2024 at the latest (Note: Free MAT 120 should be selected as the reason for application).