
Important Reminder 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester Interactive Course Registration Details

Dear Students,

Undergraduate and graduate students should complete the online course registration between Wednesday, March 2nd  (Starting at 09:00 (TRNC Local Time)  (on-campus and off-campus at the same time) and Friday, March 4th (until 16:00) using the interactive course registration system from the link below; 


The list of courses offered in the Spring 2022 Semester and the details of the course sections and their schedules will be available at


You can watch the video on the below link about interactive course registration details 


Please use our Problem Form System for your registration problems. Problem forms can be found here: https://cet.ncc.metu.edu.tr

  • The registration system will be open for students who completed their tuition fee payments. Please be sure that you complete your payment as it will be announced.
  • You can use SAIS (https://oibs.metu.edu.tr) Program 61 to view the details of your tuition fee payment (Semester 20212).

Ø  You need to use your user code (e.g. e123456), password and student number (e.g.1234567) to log in to this program. Please enter 20212 for the Semester.

·         To find your academic advisor information, you can also use SAIS (https://oibs.metu.edu.tr) Program 61, as well (Semester: 20212).

  • The relevant courses will be automatically added for the students who are in the first year first semester. These students should make necessary changes in the system (if necessary) and get approval from their academic advisors.
  • After adding courses, students have to get approval from their academic advisors until Friday,  March 4th (at 16:00)Please note that if you don't take the approval of your academic advisors you can not complete your interactive course registrations
  • A button labelled "Request Registration Approval" has been added to the interactive registration interface. During the registration for the spring semester, our students will be able to add the courses they want to take and finalize the registration process by clicking on this button so that the request for approval along with the list of the added courses is sent to the Advisor Approval Program. Students who do not request advisor approval by using the "Request Registration Approval" button will not be able to get advisor approval.

By viewing Advisor Approval Program, the advisors will be able to see the students requesting approval and approve the requests without the need for the students' passwords. An email that will inform the students that the approval has been done (with the following message: Your registration has been approved: "Kayıt Onayınız Yapılmıştır") will be sent to the students automatically.

When the advisor needs to contact the students about the issues related to the registration, s/he can click on the button "Request Correction" in the Advisor Approval Program interface. To do so, s/he will send an email titled "Registration approval correction".  In this case, the student will need to make the necessary corrections and send a request for approval again. At the end of this process, the students will have finalized the registration and the registration approval without having to contact their advisors in person.

  • Since your academic advisors are appointed by your program coordinators, you can consult with your program coordinator if you do not have an academic advisor in program 61. You can use our  Phone Book to find your academic advisor's contact details.
  • Please note that Registrar's Office has not any authority to increase the capacity of the courses.
  • You can send your requests about course conflicts and hours to your program coordinator.
  • You can only register for the METU NCC courses.


 Best wishes,

 Registrar's Office