Ana Sayfa

Research Coordination and Support Office – General Information

Research Coordination and Support Office – General Information

Research activities are of primary importance at METU Northern Cyprus Campus. To strengthen the research capacity of the Campus, students and faculty members are encouraged to participate in research activities and scientific research projects that are supported partially by the Campus Fund, in accordance with the regulations concerned.

Research Coordination and Support Office (RCSO), established in 2010, is responsible for keeping track of all scientific research activities conducted on the Campus, the results and products of these activities, and the funding provided by the Campus Fund. The Office ensures that all types of procedures are performed in line with the regulations concerned, and with the existing practice.

Below is a list of research-related activities that are in the area of responsibility of the Office:

  • Scientific Research Projects
  • Scientific Meeting Travels
  • Publication Award
  • Co-supervision
  • Graduate Assistant Scholarship and Research Grant
  • Graduate Researcher Scholarship and Research Support Grant
  • Academic Publications