Ana Sayfa

ETHICAL RULES / Regulation Concerning Human Subjects

ETHICAL RULES / Regulation Concerning Human Subjects



Academic Code of Ethics for METU NCC Students:

Being oneof the basic principles of METU, we attach great importance to academic ethics, and would like to take every opportunity to equip our students with ethical values.

Although some breach of ethical codes are obvious for all students, such as cheating in the exams, our experience has shown that a considerable number of students are not aware of the full extent of academic ethics, in particular plagiarism.

Please refer to the Academic Code of Ethics (Akademik Etik Kuralları, in Turkish), and kindly contribute our efforts to raise awareness of the ethical codes among the students, by devoting your valuable time and effort to communicate this important issue in your classes.

Regulations Concerning Human Subjects:

At METU, studies that involve collecting data from human participants, such as a survey, interview, voice/video recording, observation, physical/neurological testing or the like, is subject to the consent of the Human Subject Ethics Committee (HSEC).

The process for studies conducted by undergraduate students as part of their course work is as follows:

1-The student fills in the application form, and submits to his/her course instructor along with the data collection tool/instrument (e.g. copy of the questionnaire), Informed Consent Form and Debriefing Form (necessary when the purpose and outcome of the study could not be wholly explained in the Informed Consent Form). The latter two forms can be downloaded byentering the web site (In Turkish)at and clicking “HSEC Forms” bar on the left

2- The course instructor approves and passes the documents to the Vice presidency in charge of student affairs.

3- Campus Administration may directly give the approval for the conduct of the study, or if deemed necessary, may do so after consulting HSEC in Ankara.

For studies involving human subjects within the framework of a research activity (including graduate theses), the procedure is as follows:

1-The researcher sends the following 6 forms as e-mail attachments to the Vice presidency in charge of student affairs (Forms and/or samples can be downloaded byentering the web site (In Turkish)at and clicking “HSEC Forms” bar on the left:

a- HSEC Application Form

b- HSEC Project Information Form

c- HSEC Informed Consent Form

d- HSEC Parental Approval Form (Necessary for subjects below 18 years of age)

e- HSEC Debriefing Form (Necessary when the purpose and outcome of the study could not be wholly explained in the Informed Consent Form).

f- Documents related to the data collection tool/instrument (Test protocol, questionnaire, etc.)

g- HSEC Application Check List

1- The Campus Administration checks the documents and forwards them to HSEC

2- Applicant is informed, in writing, about the outcome of the HSEC review within a month, as one of the following:

a- Approval

b- Revision (requested revisions are indicated)

c- Reject (reasons are indicated)