Ana Sayfa

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are charged for registered Master students. Tuition fees are intended to cover all aspects of course registration at METU NCC. (Tuition fees do not cover accommodation and living expenses, and some individual items of registration such as identity card etc.)

The first tuition fee must, however, be paid at least one month in advance of registration.

Fee rates are standard and non-discriminatory i.e., they apply to all students irrespective of origin, citizenship or nationality. The tuition fee rate is established by the University on an annual basis and is non-negotiable. The tuition fee is calculated on a semester basis.

All graduate students must formally register on a given program at the University at the beginning of their studies. Official registration takes place in Registrar's Office at the Graduate Studies Office, typically one or two weeks before classes commence.

To register as a student at METU NCC, evidence of having paid the required tuition fees will be asked. Evidence of payment takes the form of a receipt issued by the bank into which the payment was made. This receipt will normally be from the Türkiye Is Bankasi, located on campus, which administers most aspects of METU NCC students' finance.

2024-2025 Academic Year Tuition Fees Per Semester (5% VAT Included):

Nationality / Semester 1st - 2nd Semesters 3rd - 4th Semesters 5th- 6th Semesters
TR and TRNC Nationality Students 1,3 61.250,50 TL 59.810,50 TL 19.599,50 TL
International Students 2,3 2100 USD 2100 USD 682.50 USD


1In addition to the tuition fee, a registration fee must be paid each term for official documents. The registration fee is 3000 TL (5% VAT included).

2In addition to the tuition fee, a registration fee must be paid each term for official documents. The registration fee is 375 USD (5% VAT included).

3These fees are also applied to the academic deficiency program.


TL Account

Bank Name: Türkiye İş Bankası

Branch: METU NCC Campus

Account Number: 6822-10583


IBAN: TR400006400000168220010583

USD Account

Bank Name: Türkiye İş Bankası

Branch: METU NCC Campus

Account Number: 6822-1889


IBAN: TR970006400000268220001889

Please ensure that while transferring tuition fees you have to write your full name for the space provided for an explanation for the payment. Please get a receipt or other proof of deposit, and keep it in a safe place. (Those offered a place at METU NCC will have to send a scanned copy of the proof of payment as part of the registration process).