Ana Sayfa

Energy Auditing in METU NCC for Energy Manager Training Center

Research Assistantship

Title: Energy Auditing in METU NCC for Energy Manager Training Center

Abstract: It is of great importance for the sustainable use of existing fossil fuels, to minimize the energy losses and to ensure sustainability in thermal power plants, industrial plants, thermal power plants and residences. The main subjects of the energy management are the determination of the efficiency of the energy use, measurement of the efficiency and taking measures to increase efficiency. It is a legal obligation to appoint energy managers who will carry out energy management activities in industrial establishments and in buildings. Graduates of engineering programs are to  participate in energy manager training courses organized by the Ministry of Energy or by the authorized universities for appointed as energy managers. This thesis work aims to carry out the necessary energy auditing in order to establish the Energy Manager Training Course Laborataries at the Northern Cyprus Campus of the Middle East Technical University.

Description of the Work: Energy auditing on HVAC System, Hot water Generator, Compressed Air System, Waste Heat Recovery Systems  and Lightening Systems.

Minimum Requirements for the Position: Graduated from Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering or Chemical Engineering Program. 2.5 CGPA/ 4.00.

Contact Info:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Sönmez. sonmez(AT)

Ext: 2934