Ana Sayfa

Directive for Travel Support for Scientific Meetings

Directive for Travel Support for Scientific Meetings


This directive is concerned with the regulations and procedures of the financial support provided from the Campus Fund, towards expenditures incurred by the METU Northern Cyprus Campus staff member attending scientific meetings.


Staff Member: Full-time staff member at METU Northern Cyprus Campus

Support: Partial or full coverage of the expenditure incurred by a staff member to attend a scientific meeting.

Term 2- SCOPE

2.1- The support is concerned with the scientific meetings indicated below in categories A, B and C:

A) National and International scientific meetings in TRNC

B) National and International scientific meetings in Turkey

C) International scientific meetings in third countries (countries other than TRNC and Turkey)

2.2- The support is granted upon the approval of the related Academic Board and within the requisites stated below:

i- The staff member attends the scientific meeting and delivers in person a paper indicating the work place as the “Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus”.

ii- The staff member is among the authors of the paper accepted for publication in the refereed conference proceedings and/or on the web-site of the organizing body; or s/he attends the scientific meeting as an invited speaker.

2.3- Support amount indicated in item 3 is divided among the co-authors attending the scientific meeting. In such a case, it is imperative that one of the staff members present the paper.

2.4- A staff member who attends a scientific meeting with more than one paper is granted the same amount of support as a staff member attending the same meeting with a single paper.


3.1- During a contract period of one academic year, amount of support that a staff member may receive is limited to the maximum amounts set by the Campus Executive Board, separately for each category indicated in 2.1. For a contract period of one academic semester, 50 % of the maximum amount is granted, again separately for each category. No support is granted to a staff member whose contract is signed solely for the Summer School.

3.2- Unless otherwise stated in the Campus Executive Board decision, the maximum support amount identified for each category can be used for more than one scientific meeting in the same category. If staff member attends more than one conference in category C, where the maximum amount changes for different country groups, the support limit is set to the largest maximum amount of all country groups.


The support is granted in compliance with the “METU NCC Temporary Assignments and Travel Allowance Regulations”, and is subject to submitting proper documents issued in the name of the recipient. The following costs are eligible:

  1. Air and surface transportation tickets
  2. Scientific meeting registration fee
  3. Accommodation
  4. Daily allowance


This directive comprising 5 terms comes into force upon its approval by the METU Executive Board. The support for scientific meetings provided before this date within the current contract period is taken into consideration in the calculation of the support amount to be granted.

Please click here, for current conference support limits

Travel Support Application Form and Travel Expense Claim Form are available only as e-forms. Please enter into the Campus Information System in order to use the forms.

In case of discrepancy, the Turkish version of this Directive is binding.

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