
Spring Semester Dorm Notice

Dear Students,

For the 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring semester, we would like to inform you about the following points regarding dormitories:

1. Dormitory applications for students who want to stay in the dormitories in the Spring Semester will start on January 27 and continue by the end of the day on Sunday, February 13, 2022.
You can submit your applications via the link provided below:

2. Current students registered in dormitories do not need to re-apply for dormitories. However, they must pay their dormitory fees by the due date.

3. The deadline for paying dormitory fees for the Spring Semester is February 20, 2022. In accordance with the placement results that will be announced on February 14, students staying in the dormitories and newly registered students can pay their dormitory fees using the OPAY Fee Payment System: (https://opay.ncc.metu.edu.tr/index.php?lng=en).

4. In order for the University to offer a guarantee of accommodation in the dorms, all options must be marked in the accommodation application and dormitory fees must be paid on time.

5. Dormitories will open on February 25, 2022 for the Spring Semester.

6. To get registered with the dorms, our students must have completed their vaccine series. Students who are not able to prove that they are fully vaccinated with approved proof of certification will not be admitted to the dormitories.

7. Unvaccinated students will not be able to spend the quarantine period
on campus.

8. To find out about the dormitory fees, please use the link below:

9. In line with the Covid-19 restrictions, no visitors are allowed in our dormitories.

10. The following link provides you with additional information about dormitories.

11. All students accommodated in the dormitories must comply with the decisions taken by the TRNC Ministry of Health and the METU NCC Pandemic Board throughout the pandemic.


Note: Further announcements will be made depending on the course of the pandemic.