
Academic Calendar 2019-2020



2019 - 2020 FALL SEMESTER
06.05.2019 - 20.05.2019 Inter-Campus Exchange Program applications for the Fall Semester
26.06.2019 - 12.07.2019 Transfer and minor program applications
15.07.2019 15 July Democracy and National Solidarity Day (Monday)
19.07.2019 Deadline for the Registrar's Office to submit the transfer and minor program applications to the Academic Boards
20.07.2019 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (TRNC Peace and Freedom Day) (Saturday)
26.07.2019 Deadline for the Academic Boards to submit detailed information to the Registrar's Office concerning the undergraduate and graduate courses to be offered in the Fall Semester
30.07.2019 METU English Proficiency Exam (Morning Session: 10:00 Afternoon Session:14:00) (Students are required to be in their exam halls at 09:30 for morning session, at 13:30 for afternoon) (For English Preparatory Program students who are attending Summer School, METU NCC students at their 3rd and 4th years and students who make application to graduate programs
01.08.2019 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (TRNC Social Resistance Day and Date of Establishment of TMT) (Thursday)
11.08.2019 - 14.08.2019 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY (Eid al-Adha)
16.08.2019 Deadline for the Academic Boards to submit their evaluations of applications for transfer (national and international) and for minor programs to the Registrar's Office
19.08.2019 - 29.08.2019 Applications to English Proficiency Examination (Exam Date: September 9, 2019) (until 17.00)
30.08.2019 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Victory Day, Friday)
02.09.2019 - 27.09.2019 Tuition fee payments
06.09.2019 Deadline for the submission of Spring semester and summer school Incomplete (I) grades whose submission period was extended by the Administrative Boards and deadline for the submission of resit exam grades
09.09.2019 Deadline for grading thesis work and specialization field courses. Deadline for the Spring Semester thesis examinations. Deadline for thesis supervisor appointments.
09.09.2019 METU English Proficiency Exam (Morning Session: 10:00 Afternoon Session: 14:00) (Students are required to be in their exam halls at 09:30 for morning session, at 13:30 for afternoon session) * For students who newly registered for undergraduate programs * English Preparatory Program students who have right to take the exam with regard to related regulation * English Preparatory Program students who are dismissed and have right to take the exam with regard to related regulation * Students who make application to graduate programs
10.09.2019 - 22.09.2019 Orientation Program for all new students
13.09.2019 Deadline for the submissions of Summer School and Spring Semester grade corrections and "Incomplete" (I) grades whose submission period was extended by the Academic Boards
13.09.2019 SFL English Preparatory Program Placement Examination (10:30) (Students are required to be at the exam center at 10:00 am) *For students newly admitted
16.09.2019 Mathematics Proficiency Exam (09:30)
16.09.2019 - 27.09.2019 Special student applications and registrations
18.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 Online registrations and advisor approvals for undergraduate and graduate programs
21.09.2019 CNG 100 Exemption Examination
22.09.2019 Submission of the required registration documents by international students newly admitted to the undergraduate programs
22.09.2019 Submission of the required registration documents by international students newly admitted to the graduate programs
23.09.2019 Classes commence (Undergraduate and graduate programs)
23.09.2019 METU English Proficiency Exam (Morning Session: 10:00 Afternoon Session: 14:00) (Students are required to be in their exam halls at 09:30 for morning session, at 13:30 for afternoon session) * For students who newly registered for undergraduate programs * English Preparatory Program students who have right to take the exam with regard to related regulation
24.09.2019 Classes commence (SFL English Preparatory Program)
27.09.2019 Opening Ceremony (Northern Cyprus Campus) (18:00)
30.09.2019 METU English Proficiency Exam (Morning Session: 10:00; Afternoon Session: 14:00) (Students are required to be in their exam halls at 09:30 for morning session, at 13:30 for afternoon session.) (For international students newly admitted to undergraduate and graduate programs)
30.09.2019 - 04.10.2019 Course add-drop and advisor approvals
03.10.2019 SFL English Preparatory Program Placement Examination (10:30) (Students are required to be at the exam center at 10:00 am)
29.10.2019 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Tuesday)
09.11.2019 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY (Mawlid al-Nabi, Saturday)
10.11.2019 Commemoration of Atatürk (Sunday)
15.11.2019 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Republic Day of the TRNC, Friday)
18.11.2019 - 29.11.2019 Applications for English Proficiency Examination
22.11.2019 Deadline for the Academic Boards to submit detailed information to the Registrar's Office concerning the undergraduate and graduate courses to be offered in the Spring Semester
25.11.2019 - 01.12.2019 Course withdrawal applications
25.11.2019 - 02.12.2019 Course withdrawal approvals for advisors
03.12.2019 Announcement of exam places and list of the students for English Proficiency Examination (at 16:00)
04.12.2019 METU English Proficiency Exam 09:00-15:00 (METU NCC students at their 3rd and 4th years and students who make application to graduate programs) (Students are required to be in their exam halls half an hour before the exam)
09.12.2019 Announcement of METU English Proficiency Exam Results
23.12.2019 - 03.01.2020 Inter-Campus Exchange Program applications for the Spring Semester
27.12.2019 Last day of classes for undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding thesis work and specialization field courses)
01.01.2020 New Year's Day (Wednesday)
02.01.2020 - 14.01.2020 Final Exams (graduate and undergraduate programs)
10.01.2020 Last day of classes in the English Preparatory Program
13.01.2020 - 21.01.2020 Transfer applications to undergraduate programs and applications for minor programs
19.01.2020 Deadline for the submission of final grades (by 24:00)
20.01.2020 Announcement of final grades
20.01.2020 - 26.01.2020 Submission of the Fall Semester grade corrections (for academic staff by: 24:00)
20.01.2020 - 26.01.2020 Deadline for the submission of Fall semester Incomplete (I) grades (by 24:00)
20.01.2020 - 27.01.2020 Approval of the Fall Semester grade corrections by the Academic Boards (by 24.00)
20.01.2020 - 27.01.2020 Resit examination applications for those who are in the semester of graduation in Fall Semester
24.01.2020 Deadline for the Registrar's Office to submit the applications for transfer and minor programs to the Academic Boards concerned

20.01.2020 - 14.02.2020 Deadline for the submission of Fall semester resit grades (by 24:00)
27.01.2020 Mathematics Proficiency Exam (09:30)
27.01.2020 - 07.02.2020 Special student applications and registrations
29.01.2020 - 31.01.2020 Online registrations and advisor approvals (Undergraduate and Graduate Programs)
31.01.2020 Deadline for the Academic Boards to submit their evaluations of applications for undergraduate transfer and minor programs to the Registrar's Office
01.02.2020 Deadline for grading thesis work and specialization field courses. Deadline for the Fall Semester thesis examinations. Deadline for thesis supervisor appointments
01.02.2020 CNG 100 Exemption Examination
03.02.2020 Classes commence (SFL English Preparatory Program)
03.02.2020 Classes commence (Undergraduate and Graduate Programs)
10.02.2020 - 14.02.2020 Course add - drop and advisor approvals
14.02.2020 Deadline for the approval of the Fall Semester grade corrections submitted by academic staff (for approval of the Heads of Academic Boards by: 24:00)
23.03.2020 Classes Begin for Online Education Term (Due to the Pandemic)
06.04.2020 - 12.04.2020 Course withdrawal applications
06.04.2020 - 13.04.2020 Course withdrawal approvals
23.04.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (National Sovereignty and Children's Day)(Thursday)
24.04.2020 Deadline for the submission of detailed information to the Registrar's Office concerning the courses to be offered in the Summer School
01.05.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Labour Day, Friday)
19.05.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Commemoration of Atatürk & Youth and Sports Festival, Tuesday)
22.05.2020 METU Day
24.05.2020 - 26.05.2020 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY (Eid al-Fitr)
05.06.2020 Last day of classes for Online Education Term; for undergraduate and graduate programs (excluding thesis work and specialization field courses)
06.06.2020 - 26.06.2020 Final examinations for Online Education Term (undergraduate and graduate programs)
22.06.2020 Intensive online classes for SFL English Preparatory Program commence
24.06.2020 - 08.07.2020 Application start date for Online METU English Proficiency Exam dated July 14, 2020 (17.00)
07.07.2020 Deadline for the submission of final grades of “Online Education Term” (by 24:00)
08.07.2020 Last day for semester leave applications due to the pandemic (without counting the semester)(For the English Preparatory Program)
08.07.2020 The announcement of final grades for Online Education Term
08.07.2020 - 12.07.2020 Submission of the Spring Semester (Online Education Term) grade corrections by instructors (by 24:00)
08.07.2020 - 12.07.2020 Submission of Spring Semester (Online Education Term) Incomplete (I) grades (by 24:00)
08.07.2020 - 13.07.2020 Approval of the Spring Semester (Online Education Term grade corrections by the Academic Board (by 24:00)
08.07.2020 - 17.07.2020 The resit exam applications for those who are in the semester of graduation by the Spring Semester (Online Education Term)
10.07.2020 Last day of “Intensive Online Education” Term for English Preparatory School
13.07.2020 - 17.07.2020 Applications for Pass/Fail grade preference
14.07.2020 Last day for semester leave applications due to the pandemic (without counting the semester)(For undergraduate and graduate programs)
14.07.2020 Last Day of drop requests
14.07.2020 Online METU English Proficiency Exam (10:00) ( English Preparatory Program students who have right to take the exam with regard to related regulation)
20.07.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (TRNC Peace and Freedom Day) (Monday)
23.07.2020 Announcement of METU English Proficiency Exam Results
27.07.2020 - 28.07.2020 Summer School tuition fee payments (for the English Preparatory Program students)
31.07.2020 - 03.08.2020 RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY (Eid al-Adha)
01.08.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (TRNC Social Resistance Day and Date of Establishment of TMT) (Saturday)
04.08.2020 Summer School classes begin (for English Preparatory Program)
12.08.2020 - 14.08.2020 Online registrations and advisor approvals for the Summer School (undergraduate and graduate programs)
12.08.2020 - 14.08.2020 Summer School tuition fee payments
12.08.2020 - 14.08.2020 Special student applications and registrations for Summer School
17.08.2020 Summer School classes begin (undergraduate and graduate programs )
17.08.2020 - 31.08.2020 Last day for refund of tuition fees
30.08.2020 NATIONAL HOLIDAY (Victory Day - Sunday)
31.08.2020 Last day of Summer School classes (for English Preparatory Program)
02.09.2020 Online METU English Proficiency Exam (10:00) (English Preparatory Program students who have right to take the exam with regard to related regulation)
10.09.2020 Announcement of METU English Proficiency Exam Results
25.09.2020 "Deadline for the submission of Spring Semester (Online Education Term) Incomplete (I) grades whose submission period was extended by the Academic Boards "
25.09.2020 Last day of Summer School classes (undergraduate and graduate programs)
25.09.2020 " Deadline for grading thesis work and specialization field courses Deadline for the Spring Semester (Online Education Term) thesis examinations Deadline for thesis supervisor appointments"
26.09.2020 - 28.09.2020 Summer School Final Examinations (starting at 18:00 on September 25)
29.09.2020 Deadline for the submission of Spring Semester (Online Education Term) grade corrections by the concerned Administrative Boards
29.09.2020 Deadline for the submission of Spring Semester (Online Education Term) resit exam grades
01.10.2020 "Deadline for the submission of Summer School grades (by 24:00) "
02.10.2020 Announcement of Summer School grades
02.10.2020 - 07.10.2019 Submission of the Summer School grade corrections (for academic staff by: 24:00)
02.10.2020 - 07.10.2020 Deadline for the submission of Summer School "Incomplete" (I) grades (by 24:00)
02.10.2020 - 08.10.2020 Deadline for the approval of the Summer School grade corrections by academic board (by:24:00)
02.10.2020 - 03.10.2020 The resit exam applications for those who are in the semester of graduation by the summer school
04-03-2025 07:16:14
  • - Click here for 2018-2019 Academic Calendar.