
Group Study Rooms Policies

  1. A group should consist of at least 3 students.
  2. A group can make a booking for a maximum of 2 hours per day.
  3. To claim the room, the person making the booking must present his/her student ID card.
  4. Students should ensure that library resources have been checked out using their student ID cards.
  5. Transfer of a booking to another group is not allowed.
  6. Students are not allowed to be a member of more than one study group and to attend multiple study sessions running at the same time.
  7. No food or drinks are allowed in the group study rooms, except water. Use of tobacco products is prohibited. Library staff are authorized to ask students consuming food in the room to discard their food.  Those who refuse to put their food away will be asked to vacate the room.
  8. Student groups are expected to leave the room in good condition for the next users.
  9. Every user of the group study rooms has a responsibility to safeguard the library materials and equipment stored in the room (electrical sockets, desks, etc.). Posters are not allowed on any doors, walls and desks.
  10. Silence must be maintained in the group study rooms. Conversation and noise produced by the audio equipment should be kept to a minimum.
  11. Users are responsible for their personal belongings. The Library is not responsible for loss of, or damage to, personal property.
  12. Group study rooms cannot be locked by users during or after use.
  13. Users must vacate the room when requested by a member of the Library staff.
  14. You must leave the group study rooms at 23:15 at the latest.