Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Full-Time Academic Staff
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Civil Engineering
+90 392 661 2925
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Educational Background:
- B.S., M.S., Coventry Univeristy; Ph.D., University Collage, London
Research Interests:
- Starting with my PhD studies, I have shaped my research track in the areas of Critical State Soil Mechanics, ground improvement, and monitoring, and I have tried to establish interconnects between all three areas of research. My main research area was Critical State Soil Mechanics, where I worked on investigating the mechanical behaviour of reconstituted, reinforced, and unreinforced peds and clays in the context of the Critical State framework. Further, I investigated the effects of newly proposed specimen preparation methods and their relationship with the discontinuities found in stiff fissured clay. Within the same framework, during my studies at UCL, I was a part of a research group that studied the behaviour of a well-graded granular soil (used as the base and sub-base for roads) by performing triaxial tests on cemented and uncemented samples. Recently , I researched the influence of the initial void ratio on the Critical State behaviour of poorly graded fine sands in Cyprus.
- The second field of research I have worked on, which evolved alongside my work on Critical State soil mechanics, is stabilised marine deposited clays. I assessed the performance of marine clay treated with a binder that incorporates Portland cement, hydrated lime, and copper slag. Further, in a parallel study, I studied the strength and microstructural properties of marine clay-cement mixes. For this study, I used two extreme preparation methods to understand which sample preparation technique better mimics the in-situ behaviour of marine clay-cement mixes, and I used the results to propose a solution that is both environment friendly and cost effective. Further, a recent study tested the implementation of the proposed method I developed on site, and a new publication is in production.
- The third area of my research is on the use of close-range photogrammetry to quantify deformations on geotechnical assets. I have worked on the development of guidelines to use aerial photogrammetry tools for determining small displacements on geotechnical structures. In numerous cases, conventional surveying tools have been used to confirm deformations that were observed based on the guidelines. Further, the same techniques have been adapted in laboratories to calculate volumetric shrinkages of marine clays that have been stabilised with additives.
Courses Taught:
- Soil Mechanics
- Foundation Engineering
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
- Soil Improvement Techniques
- Designing with Geosynthetics
- Computer-aided Geotechnical Analysis
Selected Publications:
- Journal Papers;
- Rezaeian, M., Ferreira, P. M. V., Ekinci, A. (2019). Mechanical behaviour of a compacted well-graded granular material with and without cement. Soils and Foundations 59(3): 687-698.
- Ekinci, A., Consoli, N., Filho, H. C. S. (2019). Copper Slag-Hydrated Lime-Portland Cement Stabilized Marine Deposited Clay. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement Journal, 0(0): 0.
- Ekinci, A. (2019). Effect of preparation methods on strength and microstructural properties of cemented marine clay. Construction & Building Materials, 227(116690)
- Ekinci, A., Ince, C., Ferreira, P. M. V. (2019). An Experimental Study on Compression and Shrinkage Behavior of Cement Treated Marine Deposit Clays. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 5(3).
- Ince, C., Derogar, S., Ball, R.J., Ekinci, A., and Yuzer, N. (2019). Long-term mechanical properties of cellulose fibre-reinforced cement mortar with diatomite. Advances in Cement Research, 31(8): 343-352.
- International Conferences;
- Ekinci, A., Hanafi, M., & Ferreira, P. M. V. (2018) Effect of sand paper grading on the shear behaviour of fine-grained sand. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Seoul, Korea
- Ekinci, A., Bazarbek, Y. (2018) Evaluating Shrinkage Behaviour of Stabilised Cyprus/Kythrea Group Clays Using Close-Range Photogrammetry and Free Shrinkage, Proceedings of the 26th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, Graz, Austria
- Ekinci, A. & Burak, M. K. (2017) Mechanical properties of stone and sand paper reinforced Cyprus clay, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Ekinci, A. & Ferreira, P. M. V. (2012) Effects of fibre reinforcement in the shrinkage behavior of compacted clay, Proceedings of the3rd International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Nicosia, Cyprus.
- Ekinci, A. & Ferreira, P. M. V. (2012) Effects of fibre inclusion on stress strain behaviour of a compacted over-consolidated clay from Lambeth Group, Proceedings of the International Conference on Ground Improvement and Ground Control, Wollongong, Australia.