Academic Board of Graduate Studies
Academic Board of Graduate Studies (ABGS) is the authorized body of the Campus, responsible for making decisions in all academic processes related to the Thesis Master's Degree programs. The area of responsibility of the Board includes, upon the recommendation by program coordinators, approval of student admissions, establishment of the terms and conditions for scholarships, approval of thesis defense reports, verification of graduation eligibility, evaluation of adjustment processes, verification of eligibility for inter-program transfers, and assessment and evaluation of exchange students.
Head of Academic Board of Graduate Studies: Prof. Dr. Cumali Sabah
Board Members:
- Prof. Dr. Murat FAHRİOĞLU
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cem DİREKOĞLU
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Şükrü ERASLAN
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Atashbar ORANG
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Danyal Öztaş TÜM
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Defne GÖNENÇ
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Hayriye Kahveci ÖZGÜR
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Hürmüs REFİKER
Master's Degree Programs
- Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Office of Graduate Studies
Phone: +90 392 661 2096
Fax: +90 392 661 2099