Ana Sayfa

Directive for Support to Be Granted To METU NCC Academic Staff for Co-Supervising Graduate Theses Conducted At Other METU Campuses

Directive for Support to Be Granted To METU NCC Academic Staff for Co-Supervising Graduate Theses Conducted At Other METU Campuses


This directive sets out the procedures and principles regarding the support to be provided from the Campus Fund to METU NCC academic staff for co-supervising Master’s and PhD theses conducted within the graduate schools of other METU campuses (Ankara, Erdemli).


Student: Graduate student enrolled in a graduate program at other METU campuses

Thesis: Master’s or PhD thesis conducted by the student within a graduate school of other METU campuses

Thesis supervisor: Academic staff member affiliated to another METU campus and assigned as the thesis supervisor by the relevant graduate school of that campus

Co-supervisor: Full-time academic staff member who has been recruited for METU Northern Cyprus Campus and who will contribute to the fulfillment of the thesis


2.1. Support specified in Term 3 of this Directive becomes effective upon the approval of the Office of the Campus Executive Board Chairperson and on the condition that the co-supervisor is assigned by the relevant graduate school to contribute to the fulfillment of the thesis.

2.2. The co-supervisor might receive the supports specified in Term 3 of this Directive for at most two theses at a time.

2.3. Affiliation of the co-supervisor should be indicated as “Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus” in all thesis-related publications and documents (e.g., article, paper, thesis, report).

2.4. A copy of all documents produced during the fulfillment of the thesis (e.g., thesis, article, paper, thesis follow-up committee report or thesis seminar protocol) is submitted to the Office of the Campus President by the co-supervisor.

2.5. The thesis supervisor and the student are themselves responsible for ensuring the consent of the institutions/organizations they work at, for the trips within the remit of the support specified in Term 3.

2.6. The co-supervisor is on official leave during the trips within the remit of the supports indicated in Term 3.


3.1. Travel support

3.1.1. Travel support comprises transportation (between the city in which the relevant METU campus is located and the TRNC Ercan Airport/Kyrenia Harbor), daily allowances (specified in the Campus Directory of Temporary Assignments and Travel Allowances), and accommodation (in the guesthouse of the relevant METU campus).

3.1.2. Travel support is granted to the co-supervisor for each of the thesis seminars, thesis follow-up committee meetings and thesis defense participations conducted in accordance with related regulations and directives, with daily allowance limited to 2 days for each trip.

3.1.3. In addition to the supports specified in 3.1.2. , travel support limited to 3 person-trips for master’s theses and 4 person-trips for PhD theses in one calendar year is also provided for trips necessitated for effective communication and coordination in the supervision of the thesis. This support may be granted to the student for traveling to the Campus alone or with the thesis supervisoras well as to the co-supervisor for traveling to another METU campus. For each visit, daily allowance might cover up to 3 days. This duration might be extended for the student with the consent of the Office of the Campus Executive Board Chairperson if the thesis draft needs to stay on the Campus longer than the set duration.

3.2. Support for scientific meetings:

3.2.1. Support for scientific meetings concerns supports provided from the Campus Fund within the remit of the Campus Directive for Travel Support for Scientific Meetings.

3.2.2. Support for scientific meetings is granted for thesis-related paper presentation during the fulfillment of the thesis and is limited to one presentation for Master’s and two presentations for PhD theses.

3.2.3. The co-supervisor, the student or the supervisor may receive the support jointly or individually.

3.2.4. The co-supervisor who receives this support also retains his/her rights in other programs such as Campus Travel Support for Scientific Meetings and Campus Research Fund. However, support from the Campus Fund for theco-supervisor’s attendance to a particular scientific meeting may only be provided through a single program.

3.2.5. Support granted to the student and the thesis supervisor may be used along with other supports on the condition that original copies of the documents for justifiable expenditures are submitted to the Campus.


This directive comes into force on January 1st, 2010.


This Directive is executed by the Office of the Campus Executive Board Chairperson.

In case of discrepancy, the Turkish version of this Directive is binding.

Öğretim elemanlarının ODTÜ’nün Diğer Yerleşkelerinde Yürütülen Lisansüstü Tezlerdeki Eş Danışmanlığa Verilecek Desteğe İlişkin Yönerge