
Assist. Instructor
Full-Time Academic Staff
Civil Engineering

R 209
Educational Background:
- B.S., Eastern Mediterranean University; M.S., The University of Sheffield; Ph.D., The University of Manchester
Research Interests:
- Water transport kinetics in mortar–masonry systems
- Water retaining characteristics of hydrated lime mortars
- Supplementary cementing materials as replacement to cement and lime mortars
- Characterisation and modelling of dewatering in lime mortar systems
- Archaeological dating of fired clay ceramics
Courses Taught:
- Construction Materials
- Concrete Making Materials
- Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete
- Statics
- Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineers
Selected Publications:
- C. Ince and S. Derogar. ‘Consequences of dewatering cement mortars incorporated with ground Bayburt stone’. Emerging Materials Research, ICE Publishing, ISSN 2046-0147. Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2018, 118-127.
- S. Derogar, C. Ince and P. Mandal. ‘Development and evaluation of punching shear database for flat slab-column connections without shear reinforcement’. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, ISSN: 1225-4568, Volume 66, No. 2, 2018, 203-215.
- C. Ince, S. Derogar, R. J. Ball, A. Ekinci, N. Yuzer. ‘Long-term mechanical properties of cellulose fibre-reinforced cement mortar with diatomite’. Advances in Cement Research, ICE Publishing, ISSN 0951-7197,, Published Online: February 09, 2018.
- C. Ince, ‘The possible role of simple ionic solutions on the water transport kinetics and mechanical properties of hydrated lime mortars’. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE. Vol. 27, Issue 3, 2015.
- C. Ince S. Derogar, N. Yardimci, Y. C. Toklu 'The influence of zeolite and powdered Bayburt stones on the water transport kinetics and mechanical properties of hydrated lime mortars'. Construction and Building Materials. Vol. 98, 345-352. 2015.
- C. Ince, M. A. Carter and M. A. Wilson. ‘The water retaining characteristics of lime mortar’. Materials and Structures. Vol. 48, 1177–1185. 2015.
- C. Ince, S. Derogar and T. Michelitsch ‘Influence of supplementary cementing materials on water transport kinetics and mechanical properties of hydrated lime mortars’. Materiales de Construccion. Vol 65, No 318, 2015.
- C. Ince and S. Derogar ‘Moisture expansion and mass gain in fired clay ceramics’. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society. Vol. 50, Issue 2, Page: 59-67, 2014.
- M. A. Wilson, S. Clelland, M. A. Carter, C. Ince, C. Hall, A. Hamilton and C. M. Batt ‘Rehydroxylation of fired-clay ceramics: factors affecting early-stage mass gain in dating experiments’ Archaeometry. Vol. 56, issue 4, page: 689-702. 2014.
- C. Ince, Y. Ozturk, M. A. Carter, M. A. Wilson ‘The influence of supplementary cementing materials on water retaining characteristics of hydrated lime and cement mortars in masonry construction’. Materials and Structures. Vol. 47. Pg: 493-501, 2014.
- M. A. Wilson, A. Hamilton, C. Ince, M. A. Carter and C. Hall. ‘Rehydroxylation [RHX] dating of archaeological pottery’. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Vol. 468, No: 2147, Pg: 3476-3493. 2012.
- R.J. Ball, G.C. Allen, M.A. Carter, M.A. Wilson, C. Ince, A. El-Turki ‘The application of electrical resistance measurements to water transport in lime–masonry systems’ Applied Physics A, Materials Science & Processing. Vol. 106, Pg. 669-677. 2012.
- F. Clegg, C. Breen, M. A. Carter, C. Ince, S. Savage, M. A. Wilson 'Dehydroxylation and rehydroxylation mechanisms in fired clay ceramic. A TG-MS and DRIFTS investigation'. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Vol. 95, Issue 1, Pg 416-422. 2012.
- C. Ince, M. A. Carter, M. A. Wilson, N. C. Collier, A. El-Turki, R. J. Ball, G. C. Allen 'Factors affecting the water retaining characteristics of lime and cement mortars'. Materials and Structures. Volume 44, Number 2, 509-516. 2011.
- El-Turki, R. J. Ball, M. A. Carter, M. A. Wilson, C. Ince, G. C. Allen 'Effect of dewatering on the strength of lime and cement mortars'. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Volume 93, Issue 7, pages 2074–2081. 2010.
- C. Ince, M. A. Carter, M. A. Wilson, A. El-Turki, R. J. Ball, G. C. Allen, N. C. Collier 'Analysis of the absorption of water from freshly mixed jointing mortars in masonry construction' Materials and Structures. Volume 43, Number 7, 985-992. 2010.
- M. A. Wilson, M. A. Carter, C. Hall, W. D. Hall, C. Ince, S. D. Savage, B. McKay and I. Betts 'Dating fired-clay ceramics using long-term power-law rehydroxylation kinetics' Proceedings of Royal Society. Volume 465, Number 2108, 2407-2415. 2009.