
School Of Foreign Languages

Educational Background:
- B.A., Middle East Technical University Foreign Language Education (Major)
- B.A., Middle East Technical University Sociology (Minor)
- M.A., European University of Lefke English Language Teaching
- Ph.D., Eastern Mediterranean University English Language Teaching (in progress)
Research Interests:
- Critical Pedagogy
- Critical Applied Linguistics
- Teacher and Learner Identity
- Investment and Consumerism in Education
- English Medium Instruction
Courses Taught:
- ENGL 011-051 English Preparatory School Courses
- TUR 0201 Elementary Turkish
- TUR 0202 Intermediate Turkish
- ENGL 311 Advanced Communication Skills
Selected Publications:
- Özdil, B. M., & Kunt, N. (2023). Do Bi/Multilingual Learners Play by the Rules of the Game? A Postmodern Approach to L1/L2 Use and Learner Investment. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 1-14.
- Özdil, B. M., & Vanci Osam, U. (2022). Once an Expert, Now a Newbie: An Autoethnography on Identity in Transition to Online Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 17(1). Retrieved from
- Özdil, B.M. (2022, May). Verbal Hygiene and Gender Roles: Exploring Language Learners’ Awareness of and Attitudes Towards Politically (In)correct Language. Paper presented at in 8th International Conference on Gender Studies: Gender and Art. Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
- Özdil, B.M. & Debreli, E. (2021). Reculturing or deculturing our classes?: The integration of the target culture into EFL classes. EUL Journal of Social Sciences , 12(1), 65-81.
- Özdil, B.M. (2019, September).Another Brick in the Wall View of Teaching English. Paper presented at THE Conference Towards Higher Education 2019 Boğaziçi University School of Foreign Language 2nd ELT Conference. İstanbul, Turkey.
- Özdil, B.M. & Debreli, E. (2019).Critical pedagogy in ELT: Reunderstanding the teacher roles. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
- Özdil, B.M. (2018, April). Reculturing or Deculturing Our Classes?: The Integration of the Target Culture into EFL Classes. Paper presented at 10th International ELT Research Conference: New Perspectives in Quality Learning and Teaching in ELT. Antalya, Turkey.
- Özdil, B.M. (2015, May). Using Literature in EFL Classrooms through CLIL Methodology. Workshop at 12th ODTÜ International ELT Convention: Celebrating Diversity. Ankara, Turkey.